Neutralization Titration using a Strong Acid and Weak Base

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                Ryan Chew

Neutralization Titration using a Strong Acid and Weak Base

What mass of sodium carbonate is needed to make 250cm3 of a 0.0500 mol dm-3 solution? What is the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid of 0.108 mols? This experiment involves the making of a standard sodium carbonate solution and using the exact concentration of this solution to find the accurate concentration of an approximately 0.1mol Hydrochloric acid solution using an indicator (Methyl Orange). We will be using the same amount of indicator and Sodium Hydroxide solution for this experiment each time it is repeated to minimize any errors that may occur. It is expected that through this experiment we will observe a color change of the indicator from the Alkaline yellow, to a strong orange colored solution. We will be measuring the amount of Hydrochloric acid that is required each time this experiment is repeated to determine the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid.


Dependent variable

  • The dependent variable would be the Hydrochloric acid as the amount used will depend on the experimenter’s actions

Independent variable

  • the control variable is the experimenter’s eye and judgment

Control Variables

  • the volume of Sodium Carbonate in each titration
  • the mole of the Hydrochloric acid used
  • the mole of the Sodium carbonate solution used
  • the indicator used (Methyl Orange)

Materials and Equipment

Part A

  • Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate (NaCO3)
  • Deionized water
  • 100 cm3 Beaker
  • 250 cm3 Volumetric Flask with stopper
  • Small Funnel

Part B

  • Volumetric flask of 250 cm3 NaCO3 from part A
  • 20.00 cm3 pipette
  • Methyl orange indicator
  • 50 cm3 Burette
  • Small Beaker
  • Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
  • 100 cm3 Conical flask(s)
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Part A

  1. An amount of Approximately 1.325g of anhydrous sodium carbonate was weighed and its mass recorded
  2. The anhydrous sodium carbonate was then dissolved in a small amount of deionized water and was transferred to a 250 cm3 volumetric flask using a small funnel.
  3. Using small amounts of deionized water, any residual sodium carbonate solution was washed into the flask. This was done three times.
  4. Additional deionized water was added to a third of the ...

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