Aboriginal Human Rights and Canadian History

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Aboriginal Human Rights

        Aboriginal people are very passionate about their culture and traditions and believe that they are an important part of Canada’s past. Although their customs shaped Canada into a great nation, they are slowly fading into the background while competing with the French and English cultures. First Nation’s people do not receive a just amount of respect and equality in terms of their rights for land and freedom. Over the past century there have been several brutal protests that promote a negative, violent appearance towards all Aboriginals. In order to advance within society and claim land that is rightfully theirs, Natives have had to resort to planning court dates, forming petitions and writing threatening letters to the government. The Canadian government found ways to deceive the Aboriginals and get through loopholes to avoid granting reasonable wishes and staying true to their agreement. The social, political and economic inequities present in Native communities throughout Canada are a result of the inadequate response of the Canadian government. It is obvious that this Aboriginal versus government battle has been going on for far too long and it is an unfair challenge to the virtually helpless group of minorities.

        Aboriginal people have a long and proud history that includes rich cultural and spiritual traditions. Many of these traditions, have been altered or taken away upon the arrival of European settlers. The forced introduction of European culture and values to Aboriginal societies, the dispossession of Aboriginal lands, and the imposition of alien modes of governance began a cycle of social, physical and spiritual destruction. The effects of Colonization have altered the lifestyle of many Aboriginal peoples of Canada. Colonialism is a relationship between two peoples, in which one group takes over the lands of another, imposing on those peoples its own cultural traditions, including its language, religion, and governance (Reed, 64). After the French and British engaged in decades of trade with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, such as the beaver pelt trade, the pemmican and bison meat trade, the whaling trade, and the sea-otter pelt trade, the market for these products eventually collapsed. Changing European fashion lessened the demand for beaver pelts; overhunting drove the bison and sea otter to the point of extinction; and the invention of electric lights removed the need for whale oil. The prosperity associated with the trade vanished, leaving Aboriginal peoples with a new economic vulnerability. As Canada became a country, the people of Canada wanted more land and direct control over the people, the land, and the rich natural resources. The new Canadian government wanted to keep these lands as a territory, rather than making them provinces so it could exert more direct control over the people and the land. Although the Aboriginal peoples who lived in these lands resisted, the government began to prioritize its own interest. Rather than dealing with them nation to nation, it enforced policies that treated Aboriginal peoples as if they were conquered peoples. Canada no longer saw, nor treated, the Aboriginal peoples as allies but rather as obstacles to “progress” and government control of the land (Frideres, 11-15).

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        To persuade settlers to move west, the government provided them with deeds to land, as well as a sense of economic and political stability.  In doing so, the government negotiated treaties with the First Nations, restricting them to reserves in exchange for promises of education, funding, and supplies. At first, the people resisted and argued for a more equal terms that respected their traditions, values, and self-governance, but suffering from losing their traditional partners and sources of livelihood, many First Nations felt they had no choice but to agree to the treaties in order to survive. As the First Nations ...

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