A comparison of the similarities and oppositions of the behavior of the characters in "Antigone" by Jean Anouilh and "The Bet" by Anton Chekhov"

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World Literature 2:

A comparison of the similarities and oppositions of the behavior of the characters in "Antigone" by Jean Anouilh and "The Bet" by Anton Chekhov"

Candidate Name: Irkab Demha

Candidate Number: 000885 005

Naseem International School

Total Word Count: 1,425

The characters in both texts "Antigone" and "The Bet" have simiiar approaches in achieving their goal. In "Antigone", she decides to put her own life on the line in order to have her brother buried and in "The Bet", the young lawyer decides to put up fifteen years of his life in order to prove his point. Although these two goals are very different, the behaviors of the characters in approaching their goals show the same level of determination as well as hardship. These approaches that each character has taken in trying to reach their goal, has also resulted in significant changes in their behavior.

In addition to the characters that are determined to achieve their goal, each in their own way have rivai characters which try to infiuence the outcome of their progress. For instance, in "Antigone", Creon plays the roie of trying to convince Antigone to stop what she is doing. This is similar to that of the old banker in "The Bet", in which he decides and tries to stop the young lawyer from wining their bet. At the same time, these rival characters also act as the opposites of Antigone and the young lawyer, as they would have opposing opinions on the matter.

An interesting detail about the characters in both texts is that, in "The Bet" the old banker plays the role similar to that of multiple characters in Antigone, whom are lsmene and Creon. It is reasonable to suggest that these three characters have behaviors that are similar to that of the old banker since "The Bet" is a short story. Being a short story, its characterization of the characters takes place at a much smaller degree that that of Antigone. However, this level of characterization still allows for similarities and differences to been seen between the characters of the two texts.

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A particular characteristic behavior of both characters, Antigone and the young lawyer, that is in common with them throughout the texts, is that they are both motivated under their own will and that they are trying to achieve their goals as a voluntary act. In this way, both characters are similar in the way they wished to approach their objectives. With Antigone, the niece of Creon, the king, she wished to cover up her brother's body which was laid out to rot. Her decision of attempting such a task was entirely her own idea and she was not forced or ...

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