Work in Translation - An examination of ornamental symbols used to reinforce character in, A Dolls House, by Henrik Ibsen

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Sarang Gupta        000953-141

IB English | Work in Translation Assignment

An examination of ornamental symbols used to reinforce character in,

A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen


An examination of ornamental symbols used to reinforce character in A Doll’s House.

Henrik Ibsen’s, A Doll’s House is a comprehensive exploration of many controversial issues of his day, being immediately recognized as a scandalous piece of work when released in 1879. The play becomes the starting point of the post-Romantic era, with the concept of a realistic style used to portray the identities of various characters. By the description of the minimalistic, yet powerful types of symbolic objects, multiple aspects of the story are strengthened and reinforced. One such aspect involves the characterization of women. In the play, Ibsen’s use of ornamental symbols is crucial in developing Nora’s physical and psychological portrayal in her dysfunctional, marital relationship with Torvald. The representation of Nora’s physical and psychological state in her relationship is developed with the symbolic use of the Christmas tree, her dresses, and the dollhouse imagery.

        The Christmas tree, primarily used as a decorative ornament for the festive season, is seen to facilitate the development of Nora’s character both physically and psychologically in her inadequate relationship with Torvald. The tree is representative of Nora’s being as a centrally visual object, directly relaying false appearances of reality she imposes in the household, and ultimately in society. With the first line of the play, Nora instigates strict importance on how the Christmas tree is not to be exposed, as she wishes that “the children do not see it until this evening, when it is dressed” (1). Similarly, Nora assures Torvald that “nobody is to have the chance of admiring [her] in [her] dress until tomorrow” (47). The comparison between the tree’s appearances directly relate to that of Nora’s situation: she does not want the tree to be seen in its lowly, petty state without any decorations, just as she only wants to be perceived as a praiseworthy woman dressed in beautiful clothes for the eyes of Torvald and the society. Her desire to hide the true, pure forms of existence, as symbolized by the tree, allows the reader to come up with a pertinent link to her actions in hiding information in her relationship with her husband. In Act one, Nora becomes aware of her fraudulent actions by forging her father’s signature. Once Krogstad first informs her of the major fraud she has committed, she fails to accept it and instead believes in her positive motives towards Torvald and her father. Immediately after Krogstad takes his leave, Nora begins dressing the tree with panic and depression as she exclaims, “a candle here – and flowers here – The horrible man! It’s all nonsense – there’s nothing wrong. The tree shall be splendid!” (25). The dressing of the Christmas tree at this moment is crucial in displaying the psychological conditions she is in. While she is decorating the tree and transforming it from its pure form, she is in simultaneous thought of how she will make certain that her critical situation remains hidden from Torvald by subsequently stating, “I will do everything I can think of to please you, Torvald!” (25). The frantic way she is trying to make the tree appear ideal in the eyes of the children symbolizes the actions she will take to hide her own dilemma, causing her relationship with Torvald to be less truthful in nature. In attempt to hide the reality of the circumstance, the tree is thus seen as a parallel to Nora’s character as she unknowingly adds to the deterioration of her marital relationship.

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        Similar to the dressing of the Christmas tree, Nora’s fancy dresses are also essential in developing her portrayal in her marital relationship. The dresses that Ibsen describes throughout the play are subtle ornaments used to display her physical position in the marriage. For instance, when Mrs. Linde suggests that Nora should tell Torvald about the secret of the fraud, she smiles and states that she will do so when he is no longer as devoted to her as now, or “when [her] dancing and dressing-up and reciting have palled on him” (12). Nora is relying on her dresses to play ...

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