Population and migration

by lucycarrick03gmailcom | Saturday 21st of January 2023

Population and migration

Population is defined as the inhabitants of a particular place. It is an interesting topic in geography due to its dynamic nature across time and the human and physical factors which can have dramatic effects. When looking at population we can split the subject into global population and also look at it on a smaller scale. 

At the beginning of the 20th century the industrial revolution sparked the beginning of mass urbanisation whereby people started moving into cities from rural settlements. At this time around 20% of the global population lived in cities – now, over half do and this rapidly increasing! 

On a local scale population pyramids give us an idea of the demographic make-up of a particular country - whether it is Japan’s ageing population or India’s rapidly increasing birth rate - giving us scope to analyse certain factors which may have had an impact. 

More about population and migration

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