Choose one of the following policy areas: education or health or the personal social services. In your chosen area, discuss the most significant developments to have taken place over the past 30 years. Education has always

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Introduction to Social Policy


Choose one of the following policy areas: education or health or the personal social services. In your chosen area, discuss the most significant developments to have taken place over the past 30 years.

Education has always been seen as providing individuals, economic and social benefits, for example, an individual, education opens up more opportunities and gives an advantage for a person to gain a successful career and provide scope for more knowledge and experience within a workplace.

Higher education is the most developed area within education as a whole, as teaching, means-tested fees and learning are few of the significant changes that have occurred over the past 30 years. "These changes were propelled not by a single engine, but by many different developments acting as lever shaping attitudes, creating opportunities, promoting shifts in policies and practises. Together, they provide the critical mass of momentum to enable higher education to make unprecedented strides1 ."

"For the past twenty years, the government believes the worlds whole economy has changed2."

The development of education in Britain reinforced the gap between theoretical learning in education and practical training in the industry, therefore society soon realised in the late 17th century that the key to success and wealth is a well paid for job through aided education, therefore more reinforcements in higher education was much needed.

Throughout the past 30 years ,any significant developments have arose that changed the world of higher education i.e. teaching and learning. For example, introducing new fields such as women, black and ethnic studies have influenced and increased knowledge based opinions in today's society whether it is values of society, global studies or the 'active learning' that one may use in higher education.

Today's education has positively developed exceedingly from the narrow selectiveness that allowed only a small percentage of privileged, high-class families to a good education via private or boarding schools. In today's society, the labour government(who came into power in 1997) have brought education to a new era, as the government are giving putting more money towards schools and specially more towards higher education, for example, more money to schools in less developed areas in England and Wales. These aims and help are verified by the government to suggest the idea that time has moved on, every individual needs a chance and opportunity to a education as the development of education is providing more doors for more individuals bar race, ethnic or religion issues.
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The funding and role became major policy issues in the 1980s and 1990s. The arguments were put to the government such as the individuals who undertake a degree should be expected to contribute or pay in full towards the tuition fees, and the less advantaged applicants to pay little or no contribution towards higher education fees.

The labour government introduced a new deal for 18-24 year olds as part of the wider programme of welfare to work policies2. This deal was aimed at unemployed and offers options to higher education or training. This impact was huge on ...

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