Critically evaluate in what way social factors like gender, or race, or class may affect educational attainment. Pick one area.

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Critically evaluate in what way social factors like gender, or race, or class may affect educational attainment.  Pick one area.

This essay discusses the way class may affect educational attainment.  Class generally affects society in two ways, that is in such things as health, possessions and general lifestyles, and in our ideas and values.  From birth, children of unskilled working class parents are more likely to die in the first year of life than children born to professionally employed parents.  Some of the reasons for this would be because of bad housing, lack of good health care and education, and lack of income.  Sociologists sometimes use the term ‘life chances’ for these differences in a person’s chances of success or failure in life.  They conclude that in Britain, our life chances are strongly influenced, if not determined, by the social class that we are born into.  A child that is born to parents in the middle to upper classes will stand a better chance as their parents will have better housing, and enjoy better and more available health care, also because they are in a higher income bracket the baby will have a better diet.

The next step in a child’s life involved education.  Many studies have shown that children of working class backgrounds are less successful in school than those from middle and upper class homes.  One important study has been Jackson and Marden’s “Education and the Working Class”, but many other sources also reveal that working class children start school with a disadvantage that is rarely overcome.  This disadvantage has nothing to do with inherited intelligence, as children with working class parents who have been adopted into middle class homes at an early age achieve the same success as do middle class children, but has much to do with the home background.  This, however, does not mean there is anything wrong with a working class background, many working class children have advantages over middle class children in other ways, for example perhaps are more street-wise, but the values of society are largely middle class views, and success is often measured in terms of achievement at school and the kind of job someone has.

Achievement at school is termed ‘scholastic achievement’.  Bernstein maintains that it is a lack of ability in language on the part of the working class children that hinders their success.  The ability to read and write is slowed down, and because so many intelligence tests are based on skill with words, the middle class children have considerable advantages.  Because language is so important in schools – we must be able to read and write as the first essential skill – middle class children perform much better.  Middle class children are also more likely to enjoy the benefits of early reading books and hear a wider vocabulary at home, as their parents have more money to spend on educational material.

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Children born into the upper class will achieve far more in terms of ‘scholastic achievement’ because their parents will have been able to afford a good nursery schooling, then the child will go on to a public school where, because of the fees the parents pay, there resources are by far better than a comprehensive school.  The teachers will be of a higher standard also, as would be expected of staff on a higher wage than that of comprehensive schools.  A child of middle to upper class is more likely than a working class child to gain a University ...

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