Introduction to Management Essay - Detail & discuss which factors might be influential in individuals approach to work and choice of career. Support with literature and examples from own experiences if possible.

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Business Administration :: MAN10010 essay

Introduction to Management Essay

Detail & discuss which factors might be influential in individuals approach to work and choice of career. Support with literature and examples from own experiences if possible.

The word influence means the power of people or things to cause an effect on others indirectly. Everything and everyone around you influences you every day. You may not consciously think about how the person, place, idea, experience, or thing influences you. However, your life and the choices you make will be affected.

Although influence is not manipulation or direct persuasion, influence still affects you and your decisions. In this essay, I will try to determine what has some bearing on your career decisions—in other words, who or what influences you. But, as an individual you will travel along your career path, you will decide which advice or experiences you will allow to influence your career decisions.

In order to respond to the question imposed, I have decided to answer with a systematic approach. By first outlining an identifying the main factors which may influence one’s career and, then by discussing the factors and finally by coming to a conclusion if possible.

In my opinion there are three main factors which I have identified with aid of various sources on the internet and paper based articles.

 The factors which influence and to some extent affect an individual’s choice or selection of career are;

  • Environment
  • Opportunities and
  • Personality

Environment – The complex physical factors that make up our surroundings (Britannica, 2002), and in turn act upon us. They would include the forces of family, political, social, and economic issues that both typical and non-typical persons may deal with on a day-to-day basis.

The first factor in career choice, environment, may influence the career some individuals choose. For example, someone who has lived on an island may choose a career dealing with the water, or they may choose to leave the island behind, never to have anything to do with water again. Maybe someone in their life has made a significant impact or impression, leading to a definite career choice such as meeting with an entrepreneur and seeing the type of lifestyle one can achieve.  Parents’ educational background may influence someone’s views on whether or not to continue their education. Someone they saw on television may have influenced the individual, or parents may have demanded that they assume a family business.

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Environment plays a significant role in the career position one attains in many ways. The environment that is spoken about here is a factor that is used to raise decisions in career choice. Gender, for example has played a significant role in this type of environment. In a statement released to the press on the thirtieth anniversary of the Title IX barring of the sex discrimination, Marcia Greenberger (2002) of the National Women’s Law Centre, stated that boys are still being steered toward the traditional ‘male’ jobs, which are higher paying. Girls are still expected to cluster into the traditional ...

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