Outline and assess the contribution Interactionism has made to our understanding of working class underachievement in the education system.

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Outline and assess the contribution Interactionism has made to our understanding of working class underachievement in the education system.

Interactionism looks at examining the school rather than the pupils, as it is believed that they play an important part in their success. Some parents see putting their children into Private education will help to benefit them. This is because they feel the teaching is of a higher standard than in state schools.

They see other views as too deterministic, where the blame for underachievement in education is placed upon intelligence, culture, material deprivation and social stratification. Interactionists believe this is too deterministic as they feel human behaviour is directed by forces beyond an individuals control.

Interactionist’s view of self-concept (view of self) is that it is produced in interaction with others, by other pupils and teachers. An example of this is where a pupil may see themselves as the class ‘Joker’ if other pupils respond to them by laughing. Pupils also develop a self-concept concerned with their academic ability, they may think of themselves as ‘Dumb’ if they cant keep up with the rest of the class.

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Labelling is the way teachers respond to the pupils, they build up a picture of each pupil based on their catchment area type, appearance, conformance to discipline, ability, enthusiasm to work, likeability, interaction with pupils, personality and if they deviant. They form a working hypothesis, which is a theory about what sort of pupil each child is. They form tests throughout the year to confirm or contradict their hypothesis. The teachers come to a state of stabilization where they feel “know” each pupil.

Labelling is seen to effect progress of pupils. Teachers are able to affect their pupil’s ...

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