Reflective Essay: Teaching at the St. Elena High School.

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Johann Uriarte September 25, 2003

Block P4 Sunday

Reflective Essay: Teaching at the St. Elena High School

Teaching has been a great experience. At first, I was actually bummed out about having to come to school on Saturdays, have a lesson plan prepared for each week, and having to be able to handle a forty-student class for forty-five minutes once a week. On the first Saturday, I was quite nervous before entering the classroom. However, I was surprised to see that there were only seven students in the classroom. This was good because it was easier to memorize their names, get to know them, and interact with them more, because the relationship between the teacher and the student seems to be on a more personal and interactive level with only a handful of students. The names of my students were Michael, Norman, Jennifer, Ruth, Katrina, K.C, and Lester. Another thing is that my teaching partner Josh and I worked pretty well together and so the work was always split in half between the two of us making everything easier. We taught math to second year high school students.
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Overall, I think that everything was organized pretty well. The schedules were straightforward and the rules were clear. It was also convenient for us teachers, because during the time that we would be at the school and waiting for our time to teach, there was a room where we could all stay in and just get to know each other more. We also had a thirty minute break for us to leave the school and eat at the fast-food restaurants nearby. If I was in charge, I think I would remove the need for teachers to submit lesson ...

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