Wong Hui Chyn 10I

What makes a ‘good school’?

For as many years as there has been a place called ‘school’, parents have been seeking ways to fashion the best educational experience for their children - the place that would provide students with the best possible education and send them forth fully prepared to meet life’s challenges.

Everyone wants top-quality schools. The issue of education tops poll after poll when the public is asked to choose areas of concern and importance. But what, exactly, does a ‘good school’ look like? What makes the difference between success and failure? Research done by the Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing, a research unit of the University of California at Los Angeles, points to several qualities of truly good schools:

  • Strong and professional administrators and teachers.
  • A broad curriculum available to all students.
  • A philosophy that says all children can learn if taught, coupled with high expectations for all students.
  • A school climate that is conductive to learning a good school is safe, clean, caring, and well organized.
  • An on going assessment system that supports good instructions.
  • A high level of parent and community involvement and support.

Good schools have strong administrators who lead instruction at the school and know in depth the school’s curriculum and instruction provided in each grade level. Help teachers develop instructional strategies and techniques and encourages teamwork. Make time for in-service training, and seminars for the school’s entire staff. Marshall resources and distributes them to benefit the greatest number of students. Communicate with parents and provides sufficient time for each dialogue. Establish goals for the school and articulates those goals with clarity, conviction and understanding. Maintain a well-balanced staff with multiple skills and competencies and knows the staff’s strengths and special capabilities. Work to maintain high morale that contributes to great stability and limited teacher turnover. Strive to keep class sizes appropriate for the subject and grade being taught and within state guidelines. Develop with staff and parents a clearly defined policy on discipline, grading, attendance, testing, promotions and retention. Know the community and is equipped to work cooperatively with teachers and parents to provide support services to students encountering problems. Maintain a good relationship with the district and makes wise use of district resources.

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Good schools have strong professional teachers who hold current certification in the classes they are teaching and have mastered the subject matter they are teaching. Maintain high expectations for student achievement. Teach students how to learn. Provide ample opportunities to practice skills taught in order to grasp concepts. Create consistency in learning methods that include problem-solving, thinking and creative activities. Hold students responsible for completion of work assigned within established standards of quality. Set challenging and interesting classroom assignments that are appropriate to the subject and that clearly relate to other lessons taught. Use a wealth of materials and ...

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