The Relationship between Technology and Society. It is widely accepted that technology has had various effects on society, these effects have not been limited to make peoples lives more materially prosperous, but have also significantly affect human as

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The Relationship between Technology and Society

  1. Introduction

Scientific and technological progress is the main driving force of social development (Webster, 1995). In a certain sense the process of social development is the process of scientific and technological progress. It is widely accepted that technology has had various effects on society, these effects have not been limited to make people’s lives more materially prosperous, but have also significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments (Webster,1995). However, the relationship between technology and society is not all one way. Throughout the human history, social factors also play an inseparable role in the process of technological change. Technological development depends on the progress of culture and education. It assumes that technologies will emerge readily in response to market demands (Williams & Edge, 1996), also levels of social development and education quality, directly affects the process of technological development.

  1. Technological influence on social development

There are various evidence to support the positive influence of technology that have contributed to the society: The practices of medical technology has helped the improvements in people’s health; technology for energy generations has leads to economic prosperity; and technology medicated communication and information delivery has improved living conveniences for almost everyone. While reviewing technological developments through last century until now, we can assume that technology changes lives on a daily basis. Recent inventions including the mobile phone, the computer, and the Internet have reduced physical barriers for people to interact with each other; such inventions largely improved living convenience and communicate freely with others. Also various recent and ongoing inventions such as Robot with human expression, 4G technology, latest phones are used to describe the next step in wireless communications, which allow even higher quality and faster data transfer rates than the previous generations. Finally, as a result of the advances in information technology, cost and time required for information sharing on a global scale will be dramatically reduced.

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After all, society and its surroundings has also affected by technology in many ways. Webster (1995) states that “Technological progress does not merely make people’s lives more convenient and prosperous; it has also brought huge changes to how society itself operates”. Through various communication tools, different levels of societies and social groups are interacting directly and more frequently with each other (Castells, 1999). People can now shopping or work at home via internet in their own preference. Nevertheless, the effects on society of technological advances also lead to increased economic growth through the creation of new industries or improvements in ...

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