'Assertions such as "God is love" cannot be falsified, and so are completely meaningless.' Discuss.

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‘Assertions such as “God is love” cannot be falsified, and so are completely meaningless.’ Discuss. (45)

        In order to discuss whether the assertion “God is love” is completely meaningless according to Falsification; one must understand what Falsification is.

        Karl Popper developed the theory of Falsification- an adaptation of the logical positivists criterion for meaning. In philosophy, many of the conclusions of logical positivism were based on the idea that philosophy should model itself on science. Science was seen by the logical positivists as being concerned with the collection of information and the subsequent development of the theories; for example; a scientist might observe that whenever a piece of metal is heated it expands and, after making further observations, might conclude that all metal expands when it is heated.

        However this view of science was challenged by Popper; he argued that science did not move from observation to theory, but rather than theory to observation. In other words, he meant that theories are considered true until some evidence counts against them, i.e. until they are falsified.

        This idea of falsification made some philosophers believe that this could be the basis for developing a different criterion of meaning. As well as applying falsification as a test for the truth of scientific theories, it was thought that it could also be applied to test the meaningfulness of statements. Scientific theories were only considered true as long as they were not falsified. However, even though no evidence has counted against any scientific theory that is considered true, the theory is still meaningful because we know what evidence would disprove it i.e. what set of circumstances would falsify it. But what of statements that no observation could ever count against? It was these sorts of statements that some philosopher’s thought should be considered meaningless, because after all, if a statement asserts nothing, then it cannot mean anything.

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        Upon analyzing the statement that “God is love”, one can’t help but realize that this is a statement whose meaning can differ between different people. Unlike the statements “a bachelor is an unmarried man” or that “1 + 1= 2”- these can be proved true by logic and reason. To say however, that “God is love” is a completely different situation; firstly, God is a personal thing- interpretations and understandings of God differ from one person to the next, therefore to make a universal statement such as “God is love” that should apply to every persons idea of God would firstly ...

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