Critically examine a number of factors that, together, contributed to the take off of the British Industrial Revolution in the early 19th Century.

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This essay will (1) critically examine a number of factors that, together, contributed to the takeoff of the British Industrial Revolution in the early 19th Century.  It will then (2.1) critically explain a number of social changes which took place with Britain as a direct result of industrialization and will (2.2) examine a number of other changes that occurred around the same time.

This essay will then (3) analyse the reasons why the state and industry would wish to work together, whilst (4) understanding the consequences of the industrial system for the role of the state.

This essay will review information taken from a number of literature sources, whilst arguing for and against the points raised.  It will discuss, through the main body of the text, how the industrial revolution affected the lives of the nineteenth century people it touched, before coming to a well structured conclusion based upon the facts, arguments and related points considered.

The reasons for the take-off in the industrial revolution are manifold, but all play their role.  It started with the land enclosure of the early 18th century, when representatives of the government traveled the country enclosing land. This land was cultivated, and eventually, became arable.

This land was so well farmed that it produced crops of a higher quality than had been seen before.

The same can be said about livestock production…improvements were made in all areas of agriculture which paved the way for a population boom which, in turn provided the necessary manpower to work the fields.  This manpower, in turn produced the necessary surplus to sell on the open market.

These machinery created for the land freed the labour which moved away from rural Britain and into the cities thus creating a boom in the urban population.  This urban population boom produced the manpower necessary for running the new industrial machinery which would revolutionize production.

The more production in turn created more money which would be re-invested back into the economy.  Money was plentiful and was poured into the economy, the transport system, both road and canals. New industry everywhere needed ample capital, and since it was seen as such a good risk, the money was made available.  This improved the trading system by allowing a faster productivity time; the goods would reach their destination in a fraction of the time which would speed up the revenue process for the economy allowing further investment.

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This, in simple terms, is how the industrial revolution came about.  However, the industrial revolution was not an overnight affair but, as we shall see, was an affair that evolved through a series of natural processes that followed a sequence of events and guided Britain into the new industrial age.

“An industrial revolution is the term generally applied to the complex of economic changes which are involved in the transformation of a pre-industrial, traditional type of economy, characterized by low productivity and normally stagnant growth rates, to a modern industrialized stage of economic development, in which output per ...

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