Explain how Plato uses the myth of the cave to illustrate his ideas about the human condition and the nature of reality?

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Explain how Plato uses the myth of the cave to illustrate his ideas about the human condition and the nature of reality?

        Could reality be the greatest special effect of all time? Since the 6th century B.C.E a growth in human knowledge and understanding had occurred and people began to question the world rd they lived in, these people were called philosophers. Thales, Anaximander, Anaximines, Pythagoras, Heraclitus and Socrates were all highly regarded intellectuals but one man’s thoughts on the world stood out. Plato is probably the best known of al the ancient Greek philosophers.  His philosophy contributed to the evolution of many ideas about God and films such as The Matrix. One of the most famous books about of philosophy is Plato’s The Republic. In this work Plato discusses the nature justice, the ideal society, and who should rule it. Plato described his view on reality using similes. He felt we must escape from the mistake of believing that our perceptions of reality were the truth.

Plato’s Allegory of the cave is possibly the most famous passage of all his writings. Plato expresses something of the beliefs of learning, and the about the relationship between world of appearances and the world of reality. The allegory begins with a description of prisoners in a cave, who are only able to look straight ahead of themselves because they are chained. They have a fire behind them, and a wall in front, and the cave has a long tunnel entrance so that no natural daylight in the cave, only the firelight. The prisoners have been there in the cave since childhood so this is the only thing they will know of. Behind them people are putting on a type of puppet show but they can only see the shadows. They can only see poorly formed shadows of artificial objects pretending to move which they perceive of reality. In the cave, one of the prisoners is set free. He is able to stand up and turn around. At first the movement is painful and the light from the sun blinds him. He then realises that his form of reality was not as it seems. He then retreat back to the fire but is forced outside. The more his eyes adjust to the light the more he understands about the truth. The former prisoner feels sorry for the other that are still in the cave so he goes back to the cave. When he sees the shadows again he realises that how false the actually were. But the people still chained laugh at him as he has spoiled his ability to see the puppet show. The passage ends with the prisoners in the chains saying that they will kill anyone who tries to set them free.

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The myth compares the situation of Plato’s prisoners with the situation of all human beings. “ I want you to go on picture the enlightenment or ignorance of our human conditions as follows”. What human’s think of as real is an illusion in the same as the prisoners in the cave thought that the shadow on the cave was real. Plato believes the empirical world makes humans, prisoners as they are trapped by their ignorance and lack of understanding of the way things really are. Plato epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with human knowledge and tries to find ...

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