Guns are made for one purpose, and that purpose is to kill. Guns are especially dangerous in the hands of people who don't know how to use them (i.e., kids and teenagers) as well as those who are mentally ill and/or have a temper problem. Look at how easily young people get access to guns. This combined with an unhealthy approach to conflict resolution is what causes so many people to be killed by gunshot wounds. The more instruments of death and injury can be removed from our society, the safer it will be. In the U.S.A death by gunshot has become the leading cause of death among social young groups. Quite simple, guns are dangerous and the fewer people have them, the safer we will be.
Legally held guns are stolen and end up in the hands of criminals, who would have greater difficulty on obtaining such weapons if firearms were less prevalent in society. Guns also end up in children, leading to tragic accidents and terrible disasters such as the Columbine High School massacre in USA therefore "All guns should contain safety features that prevent them from being fired accidentally or by minors."
Burglary should not be punished by vigilante killings. No amount of property is worth a human life. Perversely, the danger of attack by homeowners may make it more likely than criminals will carry their own weapons. If a right to self-defence is granted in this way, many accidental deaths are bound to result.
Shooting as a sport lead people to the lethal nature of all firearms, creating a gun culture that glamorises and legitimises unnecessary gun ownership. It remains the interest of a minority, who should not be allowed to block the interest of society as a whole in gun control. Compensation can be given to individual gun owners, gun clubs and the retail firearms trade, in recognition of their economic loss if a ban is implanted.
What is the whole point in having guns? Do you look cool? Is it for fun? Or is it a way to protect yourself? "The Government has the right to regulate gun purchases to keep them out of the wrong hands." Every year, thousands of criminals purchase guns legally and use them to commit crimes. Shouldn't the government be given the right to stop such purchases? If so many people are using them to kill people, they shouldn’t allow guns to be bought therefore it will make people feel comfort, safe and secure.
"Gun users should have to register their weapons with the Government, making them more accountable for their actions." Guns are not an everyday purchase like eggs or bread; they are powerful tools that can devastate lives. Organized society is supposed to protect its citizens from this potential for violence. To advance this cause, the government should monitor and record those who purchase weapons, as well as any special features of the weapons themselves. The only ones threatened by this policy are criminals, as it would be a tremendous aid to law enforcement.
There is a link between the laxity of a country’s gun laws and its suicide rate- not because gun owners are more depressed, but because the means of quick and effective suicide is easily to hand. As many unsuccessful suicides are later glad that they failed the attempt, the state should discourage and restrict the ownership of something that wastes so many human lives.
In the future, I hope to see the words “Gun and Death” disappearing from the newspapers headlines and magazine articles, as it will make people feel protected, secure and safe. If it does disappear, it shows that the Gun Control is effective and therefore it shows that criminals are scared of it.