Is citizenship tied to a particular political and moral culture? If so, are citizenship and cultural/ moral rights compatible?

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Is citizenship tied to a particular political and moral culture? If so, are citizenship and cultural/ moral rights compatible?

This essay will reflect on relationship between cultural rights and citizenship. However, before thinking about it, one should clearly understand what does cultural rights and citizenship mean.

Citizenship is a legal or political status. It also means being a member of particular state. In this sense brings with it certain rights and responsibilities that are defined in law, such as the right to vote, the responsibility to pay tax and so on.

Cultural rights contain of the right of access to cultural life, right to participate in cultural life, the right to cultural identity, to cultural survival, to use one’s language, as well as to access and establish media in one’s own language, the right to be educated in one’s own language and in culturally appropriate ways, the right to protection of cultural heritage, and the right to forms of development which are consistent with culture.

There are 194 countries in the world in which people, the citizens of them, have unique culture and ethics. At the same time, it cannot be told that there is only one nationality living in each country. As known, there was constant people’s movement during the centuries. So one country has majorities and minorities. These groups can have can have different cultural and moral believes.

On the one hand, it is good it terms of understanding and respect of other nations because we are living in era of globalization when everyone and everything very closely connected and depends on.

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On the other hand, there may cause a conflict when majority want all minorities to assimilate. It is of course clear that the minor cultures living in the country should accept their position but never forget who are they keeping original believes as well as major should not discriminate cultural rights of minors.

However, one should look at history events because it gives the key why two or more nations fighting for one territory and why majority and minorities think particular land to be originally theirs.

Herodotus affirms that “If anyone, no matter who, were given the opportunity ...

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