Postmodernity can be seen as restoring to the world what modernity, presumptuously, had taken away

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"All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."


The modern times have brought to us many changes. It was the time where many revolutions and transformations. It “emerged out of the discovery that human order is vulnerable, contingent and devoid of reliable foundations” (Bauman, 1992, xi). The Renaissance, for example, brought changes in the field of politics, the arts, faith and belief, and the way of life. However, this transformation from the old ways did not continue as it was hoped it would. The world plunged back to medieval system of living. But after years of struggle, the times slowly changed and modernity came to flourish as the world emerged out of the darkness of the old times. Modernity can be clearly seen in the technological advancements and the intellectual revolutions that took place. But after some time, another revolution took place and shook the very foundation of modernity.

Postmodernity can be seen as restoring to the world what modernity, presumptuously, had taken away; as a re-enchantment of artifice that has been dismantled; the modern conceit of meaning—the world that modernity tried hard to dis-enchant. It is the modern legislating reason that has been exposed, condemned and put to shame. It is that artifice and that reason, the reason of the artifice, that stands accused in the court of postmodernity (Bauman, x).

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Postmodernity came and restored the world. But what did modernity take from the world? Does this mean the world is retrogressing?

Postmodernity aims to clear what modernity produced. Modernity created a world based on concepts, based on structures that are now deemed as true, but as time passed almost all of these truths has their truthfulness wearing off. These structures and concepts have created a bias perspective in many areas of studies that stagnates the pursuit for the truth. For example, in humanity’s quest for the truth about God, religion has created too much notions of God that it “kills” ...

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