Russian Revolution in Dates

905 Jan Bloody Sunday - Tsarist troops open fire on a peaceful demonstration of workers in St Petersburg.

905 October General Strike sweeps Russia which ends when the Tsar promises a constitution.

905 December In response to the suppression of the St Petersburg Soviet the Moscow Soviet organises a disastrous insurrection that the government suppresses after five days

906 The promised parliament, the Duma, is dissolved when it produces an anti government majority even though elected on a narrow franchise.

911-1914 A new wave of workers unrest ends with the outbreak of the First World War

917 Feb After several days of demonstrations in Petrograd (formally St Petersburg) the government orders troops to open fire. The next day these troops mutiny. The Tsar abdicates when he hears that Moscow too has joined the Revolution. An agreement is reached between the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government headed by Lvov.

917 March 12th Abolition of the death Penalty

917 April 18th Milyukov note. Milyukov tells allies that war aims unchanged.

917 April 20 - 21 The April Days. Opposition to the Foreign Minister Milyukov boils over due to his refusal to renounce annexations.

917 May Milyukov resigns. Members of the Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries join the government.

917 June 3 First All-Russia Congress of Workers and Soldiers Soviets opens.

917 June 18 Offensive launched by Russia against Austria Hungary.

917 July The July Days. (3rd and 4th) Workers and soldiers in Petrograd demand the Soviet takes power. Sporadic fighting results and the Soviet restores order with troops brought back from the front. Trotsky arrested. Lenin goes into hiding. A new provisional government is set up with Kerensky at it's head (8th).

917 July 12th Death Penalty reintroduced for the front.

917 Aug The Kornilov putsch. An attempt by General Kornilov to establish a right wing dictatorship is a disastrous flop. Chernov the leader of the Socialist Revolutionaries resigns from the government denouncing Kerensky for complicity in the plot.

917 Sept The Bolsheviks win control of the Petrograd Soviet.

In the countryside peasant seizure of land from the gentry continues and reaches the level of near insurrection in Tambov.

917 Oct The Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional government on the eve of the meeting of 2nd All-Russia Congress of Soviets.

917 26/27 Oct Soviet proclamations on land and peace. Death Penalty abolished.

917 30 Oct Kerensky repulsed outside Petrograd
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917 2 Nov Bolsheviks gain Moscow

917 7th Nov Ukraine proclaimed independent by the Central Rada.

917 Nov 12-14 Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Socialist Revolutionaries the largest party.

917 12 Dec Left-SRs join Sovnarkom

917 Dec (early) Congress of Socialist Revolutionaries results in victory for the left under Chernov. Likewise Menshevik Congress gives victory to Martov's Menshevik internationalists.

918 Jan 5th The Constituent Assembly in which the Bolsheviks are a minority meets for one day before being suppressed. Earlier that day a demonstration is fired on by ...

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