The Renaissance was a time of rebirth for learning and the arts.

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Michelle Zumpano

Journal Entry # 5

Journal Selection # 8

Date 11-6-03

        The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were a time of growth in thinking, science, art

and religious freedom.  The Renaissance was a time of rebirth for all of Europe.  New thinkers

include Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Bacon, and Luther.  Many of these great thinkers were

beginning to ask questions of what the majority of people had taken for granted and believed

were true.  They found many of the answers to their unanswered questions.  New ideas about

humanism and the role of the individual were formed.  People began to realize that they would

not be around forever and started to live like there was no tomorrow. After the Dark Ages,

came a new light called the Renaissance and the Baroque.

       The Renaissance was a time of rebirth for learning and the arts.  Shortly after St.

Thomas Aquinas, the unifying culture of Christianity started to break down.  The Renaissance

began in Northern Italy and spread rapidly northward during the fifteenth and sixteenth

centuries.  Philosophy and science broke away from the theology of the church, enabling

religious life to attain a freer relationship and made religion and science open more freely to new

scientific methods and religious ardor.  During the Renaissance, people emphasized that one

cannot reach God through rationalism because of the fact God is in all ways knowledgeable.  

The new importance of man was to submit himself to Gods will not to understand the divine

mysteries.  The Renaissance was a new era of humanism totally contrastive to the Dark Ages in

which every aspect was seen through the divine light.  In the age of humanism, everything once

again revolved around man.  The Renaissance resulted in a new view of man humanism.  

Humanism was a contrast to medieval emphasis on the sinful nature of man.  In humanism, man

was to be infinitely great and valuable.  The difference was in the Middle ages their spin off on

philosophy was from God while in during the Renaissance their point of departure was from

man himself.  To get ideas, philosophers researched concepts of the previous Greek age of

humanism.  From this they received the idea that horses are born and human beings are formed

and in order to be a human one needs to be educated.  Another characterization of the

Renaissance was individualism or the belief that we are not only human beings we are unique

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individuals.  This belief lead to the worship of genius.  The Renaissance man was a man of

universal genius embracing all aspects of life.  This completely differed from the beliefs during

the Middle Ages.  This is what is meant by a rebirth of thinking, science and art.  The new

outlook was man did not only exist for God’s sake, they in fact could delight in life here and

now.  This belief was new to Greek humanism.  In that philosophy, they only believed in

tranquility in moderation and restraint. The Renaissance brought a new view of nature. ...

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