
Epicureanism was one of two significant philosophies that caught the minds and hearts of contemporary Greeks, some Easterners, as well as some later Romans (McKay, Hill, and Buckler 112).  This system of philosophy was based chiefly on the teachings of the Greek philosopher Epicurus.  The essential doctrine of Epicureanism is that pleasure is the supreme good and the main goal of life.  Intellectual pleasures are preferred to sensual ones, which tend to disturb peace of mind.  True happiness, Epicurus taught, is the serenity resulting from the conquest of fear of the gods, of death, and of the afterlife.  The ultimate aim of all Epicurean speculation about nature is to rid people of such fears (Wikpedia).

Epicurean physics is atomistic, in the tradition of the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus.  Epicurus regarded the universe as infinite and eternal and as consisting only of bodies and space.  Of the bodies, some are compound and some are atoms, or indivisible, stable elements of which the compounds are formed.  The world, as seen through the human eye, is produced by whirlings, collisions, and aggregations if these atoms, which individually possess only shape, size and weight (Epicurus & Epicurean Philosophy).

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In biology, Epicurus anticipated the modern doctrine of natural selection.  He postulated that natural forces give rise to organisms of different types and that only the types able to support and propagate themselves have survived.

Epicurean psychology is thoroughly materialistic.  It holds that sensations are caused by continuous stream of files or “idols” cast off by bodies and impinging on the senses.  All sensations are believed to be absolutely reliable; error arises only when sensation is improperly interpreted.  The soul is regarded as being composed of fine particles distributed throughout the body.  The dissolution of the body in ...

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