When one has a true belief in something then that means that the belief is irrefutable and undoubted. True belief is not open to challenge in the believer's mind. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the completely objective

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In order to facilitate the consideration of the question asked it would be useful to expand on this one definition of knowledge i.e. that knowledge is true belief based on strong evidence. When one has a true belief in something then that means that the belief is irrefutable and undoubted. True belief is not open to challenge in the believer’s mind. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the completely objective to the completely subjective, and somewhere in this aforementioned range strong evidence would be a clear milestone in the acceptability of a belief. One definition of evidence is “something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion”. However strong evidence implies that there is a possibility that the evidence is not infallible but rather that it is almost certainly true. It is this latter consideration about the strength of evidence that leads one to the conclusion that the limit marking strong evidence is not static but rather becomes “elastic”, depending on various factors and the particular area of knowledge, and this has to be borne in mind when establishing the limit of strong evidence.

A counter argument to the above would be that once empirical scientific evidence is insufficient to support a true belief, then it is at this exact point that the limit of strong evidence has been reached. However, by looking at the various areas and ways of knowledge it can be seen that establishing the limit where strong evidence is achieved is not so clear-cut. One can argue that in the spectrum between complete objectivity and complete subjectivity, the sciences as an area of knowledge lies in the objective range because conclusions in the scientific world are based upon facts established through empirical studies and their outcome. The beliefs based on mathematics and the natural sciences can be experienced and verified directly in the natural world. This makes the evidence “strong”. For example there is very strong evidence to suggest that long term smoking is generally dangerous to your health and can cause lung disease. The evidence can be clearly seen when looking at the dissected lung of a smoker who has died from lung cancer and comparing it to that of a non-smoker. However, what about long term chain-smokers who do not show any sign of lung disease? This is an example where the evidence is strong but there is some doubt. A limit however can be established whereby the strength of the evidence is such that we can believe that smoking causes damage to the lungs. This limit is established by clinical observation and comparison between smokers and non-smokers, but also through non-scientific ways of knowledge such as intuition and feeling. Intuition tells us that smoke being inhaled into the lungs might be harmful and this is supported by feelings such as coarse coughing which follows the inhalation, especially felt by first-time smokers.         

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Further along the spectrum away from complete objectivity, the fact that the limit establishing strong evidence is not static can be perceived in other areas of knowledge such as the human sciences, history, arts and ethics. In psychology, a true belief might require evidence based on more subjective input. This belief would have to be corroborated through multiple and continuous verifications. For example, does a deprived childhood make somebody more or less ambitious in later life than a normal childhood? The limit of strong evidence in this example, and indeed in this area of knowledge, can probably never be accurately ...

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