Confidence and privacy torts

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  1. Is there a tort of privacy?
  2. Analysing the elements of the potential tort
  3. The private law tort of invasion of privacy in other jurisdictions.
  4. Proposals for a new tort
  5. Defining the new tort.
  6. Breach of Confidence
  7. Which types of activities or information constitute “Private Life”?


  1. Media law, Privacy and Human Rights
  2. Human Rights, Privacy and recent cases


  1. How extensively is privacy protected?
  2. The Regulatory Codes

(i)   The Press Complaints Commission (PCC)

(ii)  Private places

(iii) Procedural drawbacks of the PCC

  1. TV and Radio

               (i)   The Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC)

               (ii)  Procedural drawbacks of the BSC

               (iii) The Independent Television Commission (ITC) and the      

                       Radio Authority

               (iv) OFCOM

               (v)   Survey

               (vi) Is there a need for reform?





   CHAPTER 1:  



(1) Is there a tort of invasion of privacy?

It has often been said that the English law does not recognise a right to privacy ‘as such’. It has been widely agreed that privacy rights might find incidental protection by causes of action designed to protect other interests, but there is no distinct cause of action for ‘invasion of privacy’. This point was graphically illustrated in the case of Kaye v Robertson. This case involved a well known actor who had undergone extensive surgery and was in hospital when he was photographed and allegedly interviewed by a tabloid newspaper. The journalist and the photographer for the newspaper ignored notices asking visitors to ask permission from a member of staff before visiting patients. The claimant relied on causes of action in libel, trespass to the person, passing-off and malicious falsehood. It was accepted by the claimant’s lawyers that his rights could not be protected by an action for breach of privacy. This case is frequently cited in support of the proposition that the English law does not recognise a tort of privacy; however it has also been pointed out that the action was not brought in confidence, and no cases derived from the law of confidence were cited in court. Although the Court of appeal refused his application, it noted that the case: “…highlighted, yet again, the failure of both the common law and of statute to protect in an effective way the personal privacy of individual citizens.” 

The protection of privacy was also referred to in the case of R v Khan. This case involved the admissibility of evidence secured through the use of concealed police surveillance equipment in relation to the defendant’s suspected heroin importation, the House of Lords noted that the Article 8 (ECHR) right to privacy would only be of relevance in order to assist the construction of the law in a case of ambiguity or doubt. The House of Lords did not lament this lacuna in the law. The House of Lords concluded that the evidence could not be rendered inadmissible even though it could be said to have contravened Article 8. Lord Nolan said: “…it would be a strange reflection on our law if a man who has admitted his participation in the illegal importation of large quantity of heroin should have his conviction set aside on the grounds that his privacy has been invaded.” When Lord Nolan heard the case he, along with Lord Taylor, highlighted the fact that the Convention had not been incorporated into English Statutory law. It remains open to speculation whether a decision similar to R v Khan would be adopted today, or whether the same result would be achieved in a more roundabout way on the basis of national interest.

On the other hand, the common law continues to evolve to meet new social needs and the Court of Appeal has recently referred with apparent approval to the “development of a new civil right of privacy”. However, in a later case a differently constituted court refused to deal with the point. It was stated that whether or not there is “a separate cause of action based upon a new tort involving the infringement of privacy” was a “vexed question” which was not necessary for first instance judges to tackle when considering applications for injunctions. This issue has been avoided in a great number of high profile cases which have been described in the media as being about ‘privacy’. It has been suggested that now may be time to directly confront this issue. It has been argued that the potential new tort of privacy will assist both claimant and defendants and their advisors in assessing where they stand when “privacy” issues arise.

There have been occasions where the court has recognised privacy over and above other legal provisions, but this recognition has not been consistent. In the case of Haig v Aitken the trustee in bankruptcy of Jonathan Aitken, ex-Conservative MP and Cabinet member, wished to ‘realize’ valuable papers belonging to Aitken that were personal to him in a variety of ways. The papers included letters to heads of state and to former ministers, and even ‘intimate’ correspondence. Under insolvency law, it was recognised by the court that, because Mr Aitken was a bankrupt, his estate should be transferred to the trustee in bankruptcy for him to ‘realize’ it (i.e. to sell it for the benefit of Mr Aitken’s creditiors). However, the court upheld Mr Aitken’s claim that, given their personal nature, the documents ought not to be sold because they were protected under Article 8 of the Convention.

Under recent case law there have been three diverse views raised in regards to the availability and desirability of a tort of invasion of privacy. Firstly it has been argued that there is no common law tort of invasion of privacy and the courts are prevented from developing such law due to the binding authority of the Court of Appeal. Then again, even before the Human rights Act the courts were slowly developing a tort of invasion of privacy based on breach of confidence. The Court of Appeal did not consider a claim based on breach of confidence in Kaye v Robinson and the point as to whether there was a right of privacy in English Law was explicitly left open in a number of cases. Others claim that there is no tort and no need to develop one because in “the great majority of situations, if not all situations, where the protection of privacy is justified … an action for breach of confidence now will … provide the necessary protection.” This view does involve some expansion of the cause of action for breach of confidence resulting, in part, from the HRA but reflecting pre-existing case law. It has also been argued that a new tort is required and is now available or at least developing, in part at least as a result of the impetus provided by the Human Rights Act. 

In March 2002 it seemed that attempts by lawyers to establish a law of privacy on the basis of article 8 of the Human Rights Act, the right to a private life, seemed to have failed due to the competing right to freedom of expression, protected by article 10.   As a result of this news the newspapers started celebrating ‘press freedom’ victory. These celebrations were very premature because after Naomi Campbell’s victory over the Mirror newspaper this territory must be fought over all over again (see Appendix 1)

A recent case which looked at invasion of privacy was that of a married footballer (Garry Flitcroft) who said his affair with a lap dancer was a private matter and obtained an injunction to prevent the Sunday people reporting it.  At the Court of Appeal Lord Woolf, the Lord Chief Justice, was widely interpreted to indicate that rights to freedom of expression under article 10 of the Human Rights Act clearly outweighed rights to privacy under article 8.  Lord Woolf said: “ the courts must not ignore the fact that if newspapers do not publish information which the public are interested in, there will be fewer newspapers published, which will not be in the public interest” (see Appendix 2)

A person who takes a photograph of another person in a hospital bed, without his knowledge, is not under an ‘obligation of confidence’ to the person whose photograph he has taken. A claim for breach of confidence can only be held in such cases through the imposition of a ‘deemed’ obligation of confidence on the photographer. In the words of Sedley LJ, the law “needs to construct an artificial relationship of confidentiality between intruder and victim” This was also recognised by the Court of Appeal in A v B & C which said that: “A duty of confidence will arise whenever the party subject to the duty is in a situation where he either knows or ought to know what the other person can reasonably expect his privacy to be protected”. A “duty of confidence” like this seems to be indistinguishable from a tortuous duty not to intrude into a person’s privacy. In addition, there have been various cases which are generally accepted as involving invasion of privacy where the ‘private’ information in question is not ‘confidential’. Examples of these types of cases include: a public figure’s personal address; photographs of a well known novelist’s child lying on a hotel beach; information that a woman has left her husband for another woman; and a photograph taken through a window from a public street with a normal camera. This information was available to neighbours, to other users of the beach, to friends and associates or to passers by. However, in each of these cases the media friendly Press Complaints Commission found there to be a breach of the ‘privacy protection’ provision in clause 3 of the code. An extended cause of action for breach of confidence would be of no assistance in any of these situations unless ‘deeming’ were extended to information which is not normally regarded as confidential. A person will be liable for obtaining information which was deemed to be confidential in circumstances in which they were deemed to owe a duty of confidence.

An action for breach of confidence is not available in a situation where a person had simply been made the subject matter of surveillance (by, for example, video surveillance being directed to a private garden) without ‘information’ being gathered. In the Wainwright case the strip searching of the claimants did not involve any infringement of a right of confidence. However, by persuading a person to remove their clothes in circumstances in which there is no legal power to do so involves a clear invasion of that person’s “private life” and it has been suggested that it should receive protection in appropriate cases from the law of tort. It seems that these difficulties will be overcome by the recognition of a specific tort of invasion of privacy. As Sedley LJ put it in Douglas v Hello “What a concept of privacy does, however, is accord recognition to the fact that the law has to protect not only those people who trust has been abused but those who simply find themselves subjected to an unwanted intrusion into their personal lives. The law no longer needs to construct an artificial relationship of confidentiality between intruder and victim: it can recognise privacy itself as a legal principle drawn from the fundamental value of personal autonomy.”

(2) Analysing the elements of the potential tort

There has been little discussion of this issue in the English case law. The relatively few ‘privacy’ cases which have gone to trial have been dealt with on conventional ‘breach of confidence’ grounds. The present state of the authorities indicates that there are two possible routes to defining the elements of a tort of invasion of privacy. Some suggest that the new tort could be based on an expanded action for breach of confidence or it could become a new ‘self-standing’ tort. Firstly, in order to provide appropriate protection for generally recognised privacy interests, an expanded ‘breach of confidence based cause of action’ may require some of the following elements: Firstly, the collection of information (or material which is deemed to be information), which is, or which is deemed to be, confidential; Secondly, the breach must be by a person who is or is deemed to be in a relationship of confidence with the claimant (such a relationship being deemed to exist if the person either knows or ought to know that the claimant can reasonably expect his privacy to be protected); and finally the person used, or is deemed to have used, the information to the actual or deemed detriment of the claimant. It seems that the repeated recourse to ‘deeming’ is not in line with the modern law and it may be healthier for the elements of the tort to be defined without reference to legal fictions.

The complications involved in defining the limits of an independent tort of invasion of privacy are notorious. One problem is the range of interests which are said to be covered by the concept of ‘privacy’. In addition to the ‘right to be left alone’, privacy rights have been said to cover matters as diverse as an individual’s dignity or moral integrity, the authorised circulation of portraits, the control of personal information the establishment and development of emotional relationships with others, and the freedom from media intrusion. The wide range of areas in which the right has been called upon has led to scepticism as whether it is helpful to speak of a general ‘right to privacy’ at all. On the other hand, it is very important to distinguish the right to be free from unwarranted state interference and the private law tort of invasion of privacy. The latter clearly has a much narrower range.

(3)The private law tort of invasion of privacy in other jurisdictions

This private law tort of invasion of privacy was first suggested at the end of the nineteenth century in the United States, where it has been extensively analysed and developed in their case law. However, it has been restricted to the four areas summarised in the Restatement of the Law of Torts which states that: “(2) The right of privacy is evaded by: (a) the unreasonable intrusion upon the seclusion of another; (b) the appropriation of the other’s name or likeness; (c) unreasonable publicity given to the other’s private life; (d) publicity that unreasonably places the other in a false light before the public.” This includes a number of torts which serve slightly different purposes. It has been suggested that a new common law tort of invasion of privacy should cover only the first and third of these, i.e. intrusion upon seclusion and unreasonable publicity. The second and fourth are similar to property rights which may require protection of a different type. The Restatement described intrusion upon seclusion in the following terms: “One who intentionally intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the solitude of another or his private affairs or concerns, is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.” Publicity given to private life is described as “one who gives publicity to a matter concerning the private life of another is subject to liability to the other for invasion of privacy, if the matter publicised is of a kind that: (a) would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, and (b) is not of legitimate concern to the public.”

In comparison, the common law in New Zealand has developed a tort of invasion of privacy. The courts wanted to synthesise the first and third parts of the definition in the Restatement. Consequently, it has been suggested that four conditions must be established to prove commission of the tort of breach of privacy: “(1) That the facts which were disclosed were private facts as distinct from public facts; (2) that the disclosure of the private facts was a public disclosure as distinct from a private disclosure; (3) that the facts which were disclosed would be highly offensive and objectionable to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities; (4) that any legitimate public interest in the disclosure would be insufficient to override the right to privacy in respect of them.” After careful scrutiny I have found that this formulation of the tort suffers from two shortcomings. Firstly, it only deals with the “public” disclosure of “private” facts. It does not cover invasions of privacy by intrusion where no information is published. Secondly, the fourth element (that of “public interest”) is best regarded as a defence rather than an essential part of the tort.

(4) Proposals for a new tort

In the United Kingdom there have been a number of proposals as to the ‘elements’ of a new tort from official bodies. On 16 March 1993, the National Heritage Committee of the House of Commons published a report on “Privacy and Media intrusions”. It recommended a Protection of Privacy Bill which would define a tort of “infringement of privacy” to cover conduct which included the following: obtaining and/or publishing harmful or embarrassing personal material or photographs;  obtaining and/or publishing private information or photographs without the permission of the person concerned; (iii) Publishing inaccurate or misleading personal information; or violating the peace of another by intruding upon him or her, or persistently communicating with him or her.

Secondly, the Calcutt committee on privacy and related matters suggested that “A right to privacy would include protection from: (a) physical intrusion; (b) publication of hurtful or embarrassing personal material (whether true or false); (c) publication of inaccurate or misleading personal material; and (d) publication of photographs or recordings of the individual taken without consent.”

Finally, in July 1993, the Lord Chancellor issued a consultation paper proposing a new civil wrong in the following terms: “A natural person shall have a cause of action in tort, in respect of conduct which constitutes an infringement of his privacy, causing him substantial distress, provided that such distress would have also have been suffered by a person of ordinary sensibilities in the circumstances of the complainant.” On the other hand, the former chairman of the Press Complaints commission, Lord Wakeham, consistently argued that a law protecting privacy would be counter-productive, protecting only the rich, while limiting public interest investigations (see Appendix 2).

(5) Defining the new tort

It seems like the best way of defining the elements of the new tort would be to use the process highlighted in the American and New Zealand case law. This would be a method which develops breach of confidence but breaks free from its constraints and reflects generally held views as to the limits of the word “private”. One feasible way of doing this is by defining the tort of invasion of privacy on the basis of three elements. Therefore, in order to establish an invasion of privacy, there must be: (1) an intrusion; (2) into a person’s life; (3) which is highly offensive to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities. The first element (‘intrusion’) may take two forms. Firstly, it could include the observation, recording or surveillance by the defendant of the claimant. This would include matters such as photography, films and tape recording but would also include visual or aural observation. Secondly it could include the publication of information about the claimant, such as, factual information (whether true or false), photographs, films or recordings (whether actually or purportedly recording the claimant).

In considering the first element (intrusion) the only question is whether or not there has been some ‘observation’ or ‘publication’.  The question as to whether the intrusion is into the “private realm” of a person’s life is considered as part of the second element (i.e. ‘into a person’s private life’). When considering the existence of ‘intrusion’ the availability of material in the public domain should be irrelevant. This should be dealt with in relation to the third element (i.e. ‘highly offensive to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities’). The third element provides a useful ‘threshold’ which privacy claims must meet. The High Court of Australia have recently described this as being “in many circumstances a useful practical test of what is private.” This test was referred to with approval by the Court of appeal in A v B & C and by Morland J in Campbell v MGN Ltd. It has been suggested that this should be an objective test, for example, what would a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities feel if they were placed in the same situation as the claimant? This third element would allow the nature of the intrusion to be taken into account: a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities may well regard a ‘surreptitious’ intrusion by means of , for example, a photograph taken with a telephoto lens, to be more offensive than a photograph taken with an ordinary camera. The third element would probably exclude from the tort intrusions that are regarded as of a ‘borderline’ nature, such as: a single “observation” of a person sitting in a private setting; the taking of a single non-published photograph; the publication of a trivial item of personal information; the publication of information which is already well known; and the publication of information about a relationship to friends and relatives. These “intrusions” would not be actionable because none of them would be “highly offensive to a reasonable person”. The third element would also provide a ‘filter’ for claims and valuable protection for the media from harassment by unmerited claims by over-sensitive public figures.

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(6) Breach of confidence

English law does provide some protection against abuse and unauthorised use of confidential information. It is possible for a breach of confidence to give rise to a claim for an invasion of privacy, for example, the taking of unauthorized photographs or films of a person or his home. This is based on a ‘confidential relationship’ as stated by the court in the Spycatcher case. In this case it was held that a breach of an obligation not to take photographs may allow a claimant to bring action for breach of confidence. In Shelley Films v ...

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