EC Competition Law.

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05/12/03 Week 9 Part 4: EC Competition Law

Article 81 – Co-operation between undertakings declining to compete with

                one another.

Art. 81 (i) – The following are prohibited:

  • Agreements between undertakings
  • Decisions between undertakings
  • Concertive practises = DESTROY COMPETITION

What is an “agreement” = intention = contract, yet it goes beyond contract. It is any statement of intention by which they express a concurrence of wills  Bayern Case (ie anything that resembles expressed intention that could be construed as an “agreement” of any kind.

*The Treaty also prohibited “Concertive Practises” a term if Community Conduct. It is a means by which an end is achieved (ie think of the football shirt thing where umbro and man united fixed prices) Also 1982 Germany v Austria world cup game – Germany lost first match 2-1 against Algeria, it was the last match of the first round and both teams needed to keep the game at 1-0 = the second half was shit! Both sides started not to compete. Therefore, if they conducted their affairs in that manner = no competition  then they would both go through. This is a concertive practise. It is when you read the Summation and Conduct yourself in a manner that = mutual gain.

The main problem is PROOF!! There is no concrete evidence. The Commission must look at the market and show that concertive practise is the only possible solution for the market situation – ie lack of competition.

Defence = If parties can show there is a sound reason for the collusion.

For example, shinty sticks. Here you have to look at definition (think hurling, hockey sticks). Shinty is a sport played only in one member state. If there is a cartel between shinty stick manufacturers then it may inhibit the growth of new manufacturers.

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NB. Yet this is only concerned with competition between states that is “appreciable” – Does it produce an effect upon the competition? The Commission says that if parties to the concertive practise got less than 5% of the market (any market) your concertive practises are inappreciable.

It is, however, all relative. The market may be small and you may have a small turnover yet you may be big in your market.

**Therefore Article 81 is there to make sure competition exists. The primary target of article 81 is hardcore cartels. In other words, groups set up agreements ...

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