"The 'Standard practice' defence allows too many careless professionals to avoid liability" Discuss

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Adeola Akitoye        Part B Tort

“The ‘Standard practice’ defence allows too many careless professionals to avoid liability” Discuss


The standard practice defence is concerned with the discussion of standard of care. I would be discussing in my essay the way in which professional avoid liability and use the defence of standard of practice to escape liability. There have been a lot of situations where by careless professionals escape punishment for what they have done due to the ‘standard practice defence’. I would be considering what cases where the there had been negligence on the path of professionals, and which Standard practice had come to their rescue.

Most of the time ‘standard practice defence are used by Medical Practitioners and I would be basing my essay on medical examples.

The government should be held into account too for careless professionals getting away innocent in some circumstances.  In establishing the standard of professional conduct that ought be reasonably adopted by certain professionals, the law does little more than articulate standards adopted by professionals themselves; it does not impose those of its own. When professionals use the defence of Standard practice, they would have acted negligently or carelessly. The test for whether a person has acted carelessly is to consider what would have been expected of a reasonable person in the defendant’s position. The same rule applies to professionals. If an ordinary person commits an offence, it would be unsatisfactory for them to escape liability by arguing that he had done his incompetent best. However Professionals can argue that they had simply been following Standard of practice, even though what was done wasn’t in the best interest of their client. Carelessness isn’t measured by asking if a person had fallen below his standard of conduct, but that of the reasonable person. Sometimes this objective approach can provide a tension between the desire to compensate the plaintiff and the desire to limit liability to situations of moral fault. The case of Wilsher v Essex Area health Authority (19988) illustrates this problem. The case concerned a premature baby who had been placed in a special baby care unit at the defendant’s hospital. A junior and inexperienced doctor on duty in the unit and accidentally placed an oxygen monitor in the baby’s vein rather than its artery. As a result the monitor wrongly showed that the baby was receiving insufficient oxygen and led to it been giving more. In fact the baby had enough oxygen and hence it had been given too much. It was later discovered that the baby was blind which I one of the possible side effects of being given too much oxygen. One of the questions in the case was whether the junior doctor had acted negligently. In the Court of Appeal the judges disagreed in their approach. Browne-Wilkinson V-C said that ‘so long as the English law rests liability on personal fault, a doctor who has properly accepted a post in a hospital in order to gain necessary experience should only be liable for acts and omissions which a careful doctor with his qualification and experience would have done or omitted.’ Judged against the objective standard of the inexperienced doctor, the junior doctor in this case was not careless. Instead, Browne – Wilkinson V-C suggested that the hospital itself might be held negligent if it had failed to provide doctors of sufficient skill to staff its specialist units. However, Mustill and Glidwell LJJ took a different view of the standard to be applied to the junior doctor. They held that he had to be judged against the objective standard of care of the post of which he occupied, that of someone providing a specialist service. The public should not be expected to put up with a lower standard just to enable junior doctors to gain more experience. Glidwell LJ was clearly concerned that this approach was harsh in relation to the inexperience and he readily found that the junior doctor had done all that could be expected from his post when he showed the x- ray of the monitor’s position to the supervising registrar. The experienced registrar failed to notice the misplacement and it was he who was negligent. Mustill LJ was less convinced that the junior doctor should escape liability but did not rule on the matter because the negligence of the registrar was sufficient to decide on the case. This case illustrates the fact it isn’t only the standard of practice defence that provides a defence, but the fact that certain areas of the law aren’t clear.

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 An important point to note when discussing standard of practice is that, the standard to which a Professional will be judged is not going to be the same as that of the ordinary reasonable man, who has no expertise in their field. For example a doctor is under a duty to conform to the ordinary standards of the profession. Legally this has been defined in Bolam v Fiern Hospital Management [1957] WLR 582. In this case Lord Justice McNair stated that “The test is the standard of the ordinary skilled man exercising and professing to have that special ...

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