Area Of Study: Journeys

My Place .

By Sally Morgan.

- Area of study: Inner Journey

- Explore the ways in which the text depicts journeys of the mind and spirit. Inner journeys involve the exploration of the self, as individuals review their growth and development in the light of experiences which challenge and inspire them.

- An inner journey can be defined as a journey of the mind and spirit, but to go on an inner journey there must be experience of some sort.

- An inner journey develops within us as we interact with our environment, friends, and family.

My Place Notes.

- We see things through Sally's eyes, which gives us her perspective on things, and as she grows her perspective changes. We also see them from others perspectives, such as Arthur, Daisy, and Gladys. This helps us see the strangeness of things in one context compared to another.

- Sally's inner journey is her increasing awareness and love for her family and Aboriginal identity, and the recognition of her place.

- It is a journey of both the mind and the spirit. The personal accounts from Arthur Gladys and Nan offer insight into a period in Australia's past that is shadowed by an ignorance of Aboriginal culture.

- The text is an exploration of the self, because it is the story of Sally's journey to discover what it means to be an Aboriginal person.

- The text gives us an insight into our own world through letting us see Australia from an Aboriginals perspective. It reveals an unsavoury past of mistreatment of Aboriginal people.

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- The assumptions that underlie the inner journey is that Aboriginal people have not had equal opportunities in Australian society and have not been treated as equals in Australian history. Very little has been discussed about the treatment of Aboriginal people in Australian history, up to the point of Sally's book. The assumption is also that it is time for the truth to be acknowledged.

- The stories that Sally tells are oral histories, so the level of language throughout the novel is very colloquial.

- The conversational nature of the prose brings the reader into the story on ...

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