Analyse the Significance of the image system in Hitchcock's North by Northwest.

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Analyse the Significance of the image system in Hitchcock’s North by Northwest

        North by Northwest was a pre-date James Bond film, it was directed in 1959 while the cold war was going on, it is said to be the best ever Hitchcock film and was nominated for 3 academy awards. One of the most obvious things in the film was the use of different types of camera shots, and visual images to give more meaning to the film and to give a different perspective of things to the viewer. Hitchcock does this by using many different techniques such as different camera shots, shapes, patterns, outfits that the characters wear, and Hitchcock uses a different series of motifs and he puts them to use in very meaningful ways.

        In the film the use of parallel lines are put to use all the time to give the idea of truth and deception and good and evil. Straight lines are meant to represent the clearness of the situation, for example when Roger Thornhill, the main character, has gone to meet Eve in the woods the viewer isn’t able to see the tree tops which I think is meant to represent that they are enclosed, the trees are also straight up, in this scene Roger Thornhill is told what is going on, or things are made clear to him and also at the end of the film when Roger Thornhill and Eve Kendal are running from Vanddamme’s thugs. The tall straight, truthful trees help to hide the ‘goodies’ from the ‘baddies’. As we cannot see the tops of the trees, a very claustrophobic and enclosed environment is produced. Also, the parallel lines are used in a very different way in the first scene. A high angle shot is used which faces vertically down the sides of tall skyscrapers. These tall buildings have many parallel lines travelling from top to bottom across the building. This suggests that within these buildings are large deceitful and corrupt corporations from which there is no escape, such as the CIA or the UN. Bendy and twisted lines are meant to show the deception of things that are happening to Thornhill, and things aren’t as clear to him, for example near the beginning of the film when Thornhill has been forced to drink a substantial amount of alcohol and is driving down the road, the road is bendy and you see a point of view camera shot to show what he is seeing and his view is deluded, showing that he doesn’t understand what is going on.

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        When Roger Thornhill is driving we see the bonnet of the car and you look down to the Mercedes Benz sign and it appears to look like a crosshair, I think this means that people are being targeted, this also happens in the opening scene when you look down onto the mass of people hurrying about. People’s paths are crossing and it gives the impression of a crosshair from a rifle also giving the opinion that people are being targeted. This again happens when Roger Thornhill spots a plane flying towards him and leaves a trail behind it, the trail ...

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