Compare the jungle scenes in the 1933 version of King Kong with the 2005 version of King Kong

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Nathan McGhee 9RA

Compare the jungle scenes in the 1933 version of King Kong with the 2005 version of King Kong

In 1933 King Kong was released as a ‘state of the art’ modern thriller. The film was aimed at an adult audience and certified as an X. in contrast the new version was released in 2005 with a 12 certificate. The special effects in the first film look primitive to a modern audience but terrifying to an audience in their day.

In both films the characters first impressions of the island and the natives that they find are different. In the original version, everybody is excited to be there, but in the modern version they seem scared of it except the director who smiles away in an evil way.

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Both films find the natives in a different way. The original could see and hear them from the boat but the modern version, they have to be on the island, and there are very few compared to the 1933 version. Also, in the original , they stereotype the natives, happy, dancing and singing, but the modern version shows them as dark and sinister.

Ann is captured by the natives and ‘prepared’  for Kong differently in both films. The original version, they put flower garlands around her and everyone’s happy and dancing. In the modern version they give her ...

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