Do we live in a network society?

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                            Do we live in a ‘network society’?

   It is generally believed that internet has changed the way of our lives in societies since the last century. Today’s societies are characterised by new flows of capital, labor, ideologies, cultures, international production systems, communal movements that are coming from the current globalisation. Due globalisation, world has seen an incredible change in many fields. Network society is one of them. By the term of network society, is meant the shifting of the way that people communicate nowadays.  These ways are mostly e-mails, faxes, mobile phones, GPS navigators and generally all the new technology achievements. (Castells, 2007)

   Besides the success of technology, there are also some effects of the internet society that determine our lives. The innovation of the Internet is a huge network of computers that connects all the others with each other. Consequently, anyone who is connected to the internet can correspond with anybody else that is online at the same time. In most of the times, this connection is free for all the users. One of the opportunities of this new kind of  ‘virtual community’, is that Internet connect us in a way that we can be more socialised with people all over the world, without even know them. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype etc. are the reasons that multinational companies are earning at the moment millions of dollars, changing how the economy used to work. (Fuchs, 2006)  A social network is a construction created by organizations or individuals that are tied by one or more particular kinds of relationships. Millions of people all over the world are looking to create new friendships through these sites. An example that shows how popular Facebook is nowadays, showed that in July of 2011 Facebook had 750 million active users, comparing with 2009 that had 150 million.

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  The success of all these networks affects the contemporary society to the maximum. Moreover, information and answers about all the kind of queries are everywhere around the cyberspace, (for example Google and Yahoo) and as a result that makes our life easier. Furthermore, current business people can work and have live meeting conferences internationally by using Skype, solving like this the problem of distance. Most successful companies use these new methods of communication that have proved beneficial for them. It is interesting to add that almost all the schools and universities provide education to students through online portals with ...

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