The video format we used was Mm DV which allowed us to import straight onto the Emac computers. To import we used a fire wire connection which allowed us to import quickly and effectively. The software package we used was Imovie 3 Apple’s n-house software. Our imported footage was presented as a series of clips which were placed on a video timeline as appropriate. There were also two audio timelines to add non-diagetic sound le voiceover or music. Each clip needed to be cut or cropped and placed on the timeline. Where appropriate transitions were added. A variety of visual and audio effects were available. We used some of these in our title sequence to create a blurry mage of the clock. Also we used some of the soundtrack that was provided with the computer. However, we found that we needed extra music for some of the scenes and decided to use the mainstream approach of using a song rather than music.
To make this film we were presented with many challenges. Our main challenge, which I thought was vital, was the technology that we had to work with. We were given the video camera with access to a tripod. This at first was difficult to work with, as we had never really used a camera before so it was hard to hold still. It was advantageous as it gave opportunities to using styles such as the hand held affect, which we did intend to use but could not incorporate into our film because when we did try and get a hand held affect t did not seem as realistic and as effect as we thought it would do. Also other factors such as the locations and settings for our film was restricted to the school grounds, which also provided a set back as we had to find areas which were quiet, dark and which portrayed and image of psychological demise. This would be difficult because we were filming during the daytime, which made it more difficult to find these sorts of locations. Also we were in competition with other groups for set locations, which limited the number of places we could film. One of the reasons we could not create the affect that we intended was because of lighting. I personally found this a major inconvenience as we had to try and manipulate natural lighting to fit in with the film rather than the film fit in with the lighting. Although adjusting the F-stop and the aperture allowed us to control the brightness and contrast of particular shots and so let us effect the mood of the piece le the murder scenes. Other aspects of mise-en-scene provided to be difficult as well. For example we did not plan the shooting schedule accurately so we did not have time to prepare for things like costumes. This was disappointing, as it did not give the film the extra spark to be successful.
We were forced to make many changes to the original storyline. This was due to a number of factors including shooting times, costume designs, availability of actors and set locations. I think we changed most of the set locations from the original storyboard so that we could finish filming in the specified given time. At first this seemed tedious but after looking at the finish product I think the set changes actually benefited the film rather than restricting it.
We had to make many changes to the storyboard to fit in with the time that we had to film. Firstly we changed the location of the reporter scene as we found a more improved location which was easy to get access to. Another thing was that the murder scene was done n the kitchen rather than outside. This was partly due to the lighting and also we thought the kitchen gave a more psychological atmosphere. Also we had to change the reporter from a woman- to a man- and back to a woman as we were having problems with casting this part. One change that I was proud of was changing the boy to a girl. We filmed this scene n such a way that we could not tell f the actor was male or female by using different types of shots at different angles.
We found that if we took more care with framing the shots were far more effective. For example n the foot scene where the feet pass through the camera thought was well planned and looked more down-to-earth and realistic because of the framing and the angle that we filmed the shot. Also we felt that the mise-en-scene of the key shots was vital. The opening shot had to grab the audience’s attention so we decided instead of using still images we would put the title to a moving image then follow up with a series of still images of the clock and the murder weapon.. We manipulated the shot of the clock by making it dark and dull with limited colour with a dark red title on the front. We used aspects of mise-en-scene to achieve this. Things such as colour and setting were controlled.
I think most of the group put in enough effort to make the film successful although not everyone pulled their weight. We were slow to start filming as all the group were unwilling to co-operate but when we did we worked hard for the film. I think some of the group could have helped out more, for example Natasha, in the filming and editing of the film. We as a group had to decide to re-film some scenes of our film, as we did not achieve the desired affect. The majority of the group voted to re-film but we did not have the support of the fourth person in the group, which was Natasha. This was a disappointing fact as we had all worked hard, putting in long hours into the film to make it a success and the pessimistic views of one person did affect the atmosphere of the group.
The out come of this project I felt was quite successful. The finished product did not meet the plan specifically but we did try and maintain the original plan. The film was successful but I think with a few extra help of things like lighting and a wider set location we could have made it more of a success. We did have to cut out one scene where there was a hand held effect with the use of zooms because we did not have a steady hand to film it. I felt this was very disappointing as we planned this scene well but after filming we felt that it did not apply to the conventions of the psychological thriller genre. The use of transitions ( a variety of cross dissolves and overlaps) in one of the scenes I thought worked very well as t gave a really disorientated effect which added to the atmosphere of the scene creating a sense of tension.
I think that the film does apply to our audience as we tried to follow the guidelines of convention related to psychological thriller, which we had extensively researched. We did however stray from the independent look of the film, following some mainstream methods of filming. One of the main things that resembled the mainstream was the music that we used. I would have rather liked to change it if I did this project to maybe just using instrumental sounds or jus using plain diagetic sounds. This is because I don’t thin that the right atmosphere was created using music with words in it as they did not always match with what was going on n the film.
I think over all the project was quite successful in meeting the intended target but there was a lot of room for improvement. I think that if we had more time in the editing and filming process as well as a bit more sophisticated equipment we could have created a more effective piece. Also if we all put the extra effort and better organisational skills we would have made a better movie.