Beth        Tim Burton Auteur Themes        2005

Tim Burton: An Auteur?

‘My movies just sort of ended up being representative of the way I am’

  • Burton

In Hollywood, where film making is a business ruled by profit and loss columns, and respect and admiration are bestowed upon film-makers by virtue of their films’ box-office success. Tim Burton is considered to be a genius blessed by the Midas touch. But while his films have to date reaped nearly a billion dollars worldwide, they are as far from being slaves to common-denominator commercialism or audience demographics as Burton himself is to fully embracing the Hollywood mainstream in which he has rather uneasily existed throughout his career.

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Burton began as an animator at Disney and has continued to operate within the studio system ever since, though he has remained largely removed from its financial imperatives and corporate mentality. Burton’s characters are generally outsiders, misunderstood and misperceived, misfits very often encumbered by some degree of duality. They operate on the fringes of their own particular society, tolerated but pretty much left to their own devices. In many ways Burton embodies that contradiction himself: he is embraced for his successes, but in all other ways Hollywood and he maintain a respectful distance from one another. Consequently his work ...

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This is the beginning of an interesting analysis of Burton's style and thematic preoccupations. It raises some interesting points, but is somewhat lacking in detail. I would have liked a much more considered analysis, for instance, of the strong role of childhood fantasy in all of his films, some attempt to approach exactly what it is that alienates his characters from "normal society". I'd also have liked to have seen some reflection upon the relationship of the fantasies that drive Burton's films to their wider cultural context, specially the "dream factory" of Hollywood itself, if only because such an analysis might challenge the author's contention that Burton's dreamscapes are something radically new or different from the mainstream... I'm not saying it's a false hypothesis, I'm saying it needs a considered defense that is aware of the evidence to the contrary. This brief list of lists is the skeleton of a good and insightful essay, but it is not yet that essay. 2 stars