Why does Barry Norman describe Citizen Kane as "the (most influential) greatest film ever made"?

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Amy St.John Glew 12z        07/05/07        Media Studies        

Why does Barry Norman describe Citizen Kane as “the (most influential) greatest film ever made”?

The film ‘Citizen Kane’ has been voted the greatest film ever by thousands of film critics and directors every year. It was very nearly not released because William Randolph Hearst believed that the film was based on his life, and that it was wrong of Welles to make a film about him. Hearst tried very hard to stop the release and through his newspaper tried to get people to boycott the film. Because of all this bad publicity it wasn’t a commercial success until, it was re-released after the Second World War. The re-release was very successful though, and it reached Europe where it received great recognition as well. Time and time again ‘Citizen Kane’ has been voted the greatest and most influential film ever to be made and that ever will be made, by the film critics and directors of several generations.

The opening sequence to this film only has one word in it and it creates a sense of mystery and curiosity. The one word is ‘Rosebud’ and it is the main idea of the whole film, what does this word mean? The audience sees a number of places that don’t seem to fit in with each other but the same castle is always in the background of these places. This tells the audience that the places shown are all linked in some way and because the audience doesn’t quite know how all of these places are linked it makes them watch on to find out. The beginning sequence also has music playing in the background it is quite eerie music and would normally be related to a horror film, there is all a lot of gothic imagery used in the shots of this castle. This first sequence will attract the audience’s attention and make them want to watch on. The man’s loneliness is being represented in this sequence, the house that he is in seems very large and there seems to be only him and a nurse in it, this represents that although the man is living in a very large house he is lonely and lacks many communication with other people.

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The narrative of ‘Citizen Kane’ would have been very unusual at the time of its release. The beginning is of the Mr Kane dying, and then the rest of the film consists of a reporter trying to find out about Mr Kane’s last words. As the reporter is asking various people about Mr Kane the audience are shown flashbacks of Mr Kane’s life from when he was very young to when he died. This technique has been used since in films such as ‘Forest Gump’. The splitting up of the story like this keeps the audiences attention and links ...

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