Case Studies: A strategic management paper on Wal-mart

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Running Head: Individual Behavior

Individual Behavior and Communication

 [Name of student]

[Name of Institution]

Individual Behavior and Communication


Individual behavior and communication are two big parts of an organizations culture. The way one corresponds with each other through our behavior and communication forms our organization culture and allows for positive work environment. Individual behavior alone goes way beyond heredity and personality traits; individual behavior is influenced by many other elements as well. These elements also help to determine how one relates to others in an organizational workplace.


Ethical responsibility is important to many organizations. Companies often train employees how to act in ethical manners. Ethical responsibility is a huge liability for companies to act unethically. With unethical practices, there can be consequences. Among these consequences are jail time, going out of business, and public backlash. Recent examples include WorldCom and Wal-Mart. The CEO of WorldCom was recently sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for his involvement in inflating the company’s profits. Wal-Mart was recently targeted for using sweatshops overseas to produce the goods they sell here in the United States. Wal-Mart has launched an ethical responsibility program to ensure that ethical standards are being upheld and adhered to in all operations throughout the world.

Individual behavior plays a big role in ethical responsibility. Organizations communicate their ethical standards to their employees through training and policies. In addition to policies, organizations also use both positive and negative reinforcement to control the way that individuals behave. In order for these standards to be upheld, these standards are communicated to the employees effectively. Those two elements, individual behavior and communication are crucial to the survival of ethical responsibility within any organization.

Organizational DiversityOrganizational diversity is also an important element that affects individual behavior and communication. In the modern business world, many companies do business throughout the world. This means that they have customers of many different racial, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. For this reason, organizations need to be diverse. Employees can then relate to and identify with customers.

Individual behavior towards diversity may be a little apprehensive at times. People do not always embrace or appreciate differences. One way organizations can unite his or her employees is by putting them on teams with one another. By teaming up people of different backgrounds with common goals, they truly become united. Diversity can improve individual behavior by changing our perceptions, or misperceptions of other people. Many companies also offer diversity training. Diversity training is aimed at changing the way we, as employees, think. Individual behavior and communication need to be appropriate and effective in order for diversity to work.

Beliefs, Attitudes and ValuesA person’s beliefs, attitudes and values have a considerable impact on the individual behavior displayed in an organizational environment. These three aspects of a person go hand in hand with each other. “Social adaptation theory describes values as a type of social cognition that facilitates an individual’s adaptation to the environment. Values, the most abstract of the social cognitions, reflect the most basic characteristics of adaptation. They serve as the basis from which attitudes and behaviors are created” (Fritzsche & Oz, 2007). Values and beliefs are often instilled in children from the time they are able to talk. These values and beliefs impact a person’s daily experiences which in turn create the attitude with which future experiences are approached.

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Attitudes in the workplace can make all the difference in the organization. Negative attitudes towards each other create friction and conflict, which can alter the effectiveness of production. This friction between coworkers can also have a negative impact on the customer service provided. If the customers are not happy with the service that is provided, the customers will not return which will have a harmful effect on the organization. In contrast, positive attitudes create positive customer experiences. Good customer service is the key to success for businesses.

PerceptionsPerception in the business world can have a positive or a ...

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