Children's Growth and Development

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Page  of                                                    Elizabeth Dixon Module 1, Assignment 1, Children’s Growth and Development



This assignment will identify resources and provide a reference list to support the completion of assignment two on Children’s Growth and Development. This assignment will examine emotional development using Bowlby’s theory of attachment. The assignment will then identify and discuss Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Both theories will be evaluated and a critical analysis given.


Lindon J, (2005) Understanding Child Development, London: Hodder Arnold

Jennie Lindon is a well-known child psychologist and author. She uses her own experiences of working with children within the book and relates the theory to the practice. This book is easy to read and provides information for practitioners to evaluate their own practice. Lindon (2005) provides various research and argument relating to theories which will be used in assignment two to evaluate what and how these theories are applied within the childcare setting and critically analyse how this impacts on children. The book gives detailed information regarding Bowlby, Piaget, Bruner and Vygotsky.

“Piaget stressed the importance of the physical environment in stimulating them to learn. However Bruner saw language as am important medium for adults to stimulate children to think and understand beyond their current grasp”

(Lindon J, 2005, p41)

This quote demonstrates the importance of observation and evaluation of practice within the early years setting regardless of what theory is being applied. Lindon (2005) also provides the reader with information on the timing of such studies such as Bowlbys attachment theory in 1953 when the Second World War had just finished and men were returning to the work place. It provokes the possibility that this research could have been convenient tool for the government to promote stay at home mothers.


Jarvis, M. & Chandler, E. (2001) Angles on Psychology. Cheltenham:  Nelson Thornes

In assignment two emotional development will be discussed, chapter two JARVIS & CHANDLER (2001) explores attachment.

“ An attachment is a two way emotional bond in which two people depend upon each other for their sense of security”

(Jarvis et al, 2001, p 22)

This book provides facts on Bowlby’s theory and challenges his theories on attachment and quotes useful reference books for further reading which may be used to support Bowlby’s theory of emotional development. Jarvis & Chandler (2001) provides detailed information concerning the internal working model and the maternal deprivation hypothesis, which will be examined in assignment two.  The book is easy to read and provides information on events in the media relating to attachment and opens questions up for debate.   Chapter four, (Jarvis & Chandler, 2001) discusses Piaget's theory of cognitive development. It explains the theory of play and provokes thoughts on how to apply these theories to practice within today’s early years settings. The book further explores cognitive development in chapters seven and eight with Piaget and Vygotsgy's theories and then provides reports on cognitive development research. This will provided evidence to link theory to practice and evaluate the effectiveness of the practice.

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Department for Education and Skills, (2002), Birth to 3 Matters: A Framework to Support Children in their Earliest Years. London: DfES.

This curriculum framework supports childcare practice and provides practitioners with information and guidance on their role in promoting children’s learning and development.  It will support evaluation of planning and activities within the care setting. It will support the theory of why we do this and what are we achieving by doing it. The framework makes important links to attachment and that children should be shown affection and support in order to ensure sound emotional development. Bowlby ...

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