Determining Chemical Formulas

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Determining a Chemical Formula

        Abstract: The purpose of this laboratory is to create a bond between two or more substances to determine the empirical formula of the substance.  The bond that is trying to be created in this lab is magnesium oxide.  By heating the magnesium and introducing water, will create magnesium oxide which massing the final product and comparing it to the original will produce the values for the empirical formula.


        The procedure was taken from experiment 5 in General Chemistry by Grace R. Hered.

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  1. Clean a crucible over a Bunsen flame for five minutes and allow it to cool to room temperature.
  2. Weigh the crucible, and measure a 0.3g sample of magnesium in it.
  3. Heat the crucible with its contents with the cover on for about 5 minutes.
  4. Use the tongs to displace the lid slightly to allow air flow, and heat strongly for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the flame and somewhat cool, and add 2-3 drops of water.
  6. Heat gently and then strongly with lid  slightly displaced for 5 minutes
  7. Cool crucible and then weigh.
  8. Record your data and calculations

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