Hypnosis and Counselling for Self Esteem.Using the Case Study of Mr. X, Identify and Explain the Clients Issues and Devise a Course of Treatment for him, Taking into Account any Ethical Issues

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Using the Case Study of Mr. X, Identify and Explain the Client’s Issues and Devise a Course of Treatment for him, Taking into Account any Ethical Issues

In this essay I shall be explaining the issues Mr X has expressed, as I have understood them, as expounding the presented issue with the client in such a manner is also crucial to gaining clarity and building rapport.  I shall then cover any ethical considerations that need to be accounted for and then seek to devise a relevant course of treatment for him.

Mr X has stated that he has been employed as an estate agent in the same company for 18 years.  He has not progressed in his work although he is fully capable as has been demonstrated by his success at covering for the manager when previously asked to.  Despite this he is apprehensive to put himself forward as a candidate for the managerial position now that the role has been made available. This same strain of hesitation is evident in his belief that his colleagues must find him boring as he is unable to socialise with them, but is afraid to ask them to meet on another evening for fear of rejection.  He is unable to socialise with them as they do so on Friday evenings which is when he visits his mother.  She in turn is someone he does not feel able to speak up before, and therefore refrains from suggesting he meet her on another day.  Again the same fear of rejection is apparent in his desire to propose to his current partner but resisting because he believes she would reject him.  

In my evaluation he clearly appears to be presenting with self-confidence and self-esteem issues in addition to having a great fear of failure.  Before pursuing any potential course of treatment I must, as an ethical and responsible therapist, ensure that hypnotherapy is truly suitable for his issues instead of other avenues.  I would make certain at this stage that he is not suffering from depression, as it would be out of my remit to treat him were this the case, and I would also enquire from him about any medication he may be on that could cause changes in his mental state, thus interfering with the proposed therapy.

Having satisfied myself that he is not suffering from any psychosis, and neither is he on any psychotropic medication nor dependent on alcohol or drugs, would I proceed to devise a course of treatment for him.

Mr X is undoubtedly a capable man in his field at work.  The manager has on occasion asked him to stand in for him, but he has clearly not valued this achievement. In addition his colleagues are also obviously eager to socialise with him, but again he has placed no value on their invitation, and still believes they view him as ‘a bit boring’.  He also has a partner but again has given his role in that relationship little value and is consumed more with the prospect of rejection.  All of these points indicate a deep lack of self-esteem.  It is usually accepted, as pointed out by Hadley and Staudacher that ‘the major cause of poor self-esteem is past negative programming that is the product of judgemental parents.’  This is most certainly going to be true in Mr X’s case, as he has spoken of his mother’s critical nature towards him, and even now feels unable to ask her to adjust the day for his visits to her in order that he could facilitate the social night with his colleagues, for fear of her ‘picking on him even more than usual’.  Self criticism forms as a disabling critical voice in the mind that in time can become self-defeating and cause the person to form beliefs about themselves that are at best inaccurate and at worse completely false.  But it has to be accepted by the therapist that this is the client’s belief about themselves, therefore merely showering them with compliments would be inefficient, rather it would be more beneficial to reframe the client’s view of the problem.  In this case it would be necessary to reframe the situation in a manner that allows Mr X to be more aware of his competencies, such that his self-esteem is nurtured and he is then encouraged to take the steps he so desires.  

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I believe that a course of 4 hypnosis sessions should help him to build his self-esteem and aid him to move forward.  In the first session I would discuss with him what exactly hypnotherapy is, what it can achieve and how we shall be using it in order that he and I may both be clear on what the objective of the sessions are and what can and cannot be accomplished, so that we both may make informed decisions on whether or not we wish to continue.  I would ask if he would consider having the self-esteem script that ...

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