Literature Review of Ritualistic Care in Practice.

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Literature Review of Ritualistic Care in Practice

The purpose of this essay is to validate the use of evidence based practice via constructing a literature review of ritualistic care in practice. Literature may be obtained from many various for example books, Internet, articles, and research.

The most up to date literature is found in the form of relevant and valid nursing research. Research is important source of information for the nursing profession because it is critical and valid to the development and refinement knowledge in order to enhance practice. Nursing research can be defined as the systematic objective process of analysing phenomena of importance to nursing (Earlene 2001). Many articles indicate that a gap exists between research/theory and practice. This is due to a number of different factors such as lack of research, lack of access to research, barriers placed by staff etc. To reduce this gap the approach of evidence-based practice has been introduced. (Rolfe 1998, Upton 1999). Evidence based practice can be defined "as an approach to problem-solving in clinical practice" (Roseburg and Donald 1995) or the" systematic interconnecting of scientifically generated evidence with the tacit knowledge of the expert practitioner to achieve a change in a particular practice for the benefit of a well defined client/patient group" (French 1999). Within literature multiple definitions of the term evidence based practise exist as they do for many other nursing terms (Upton 1999)

Evidence based practice originated from evidence based medicine whach was defined by Sackett (1996 ) as the " conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients" which was developed to teach medical students. Evidence based medicine then developed in to evidence based heath care broadens the term evidence based medicine which can be defined as the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients or the delivery of health services. Evidence based practice is even more general taking in to account health economics, practice management, education etc.

2 The approach of evidence-based practice takes into account patient centred care and aims to improve patient care.

3 Strategies to enhance evidence-based practice include research-based articles, the internet, lectures, meetings, courses, study days, articles, more good quality research in all areas of practice, as well as additional understanding of evidence based practice.

4 Obstacles which may hinder the utilization of research / change / utilization within practice may includes time, peoples attitudes, the unwillingness to change, peoples beliefs that the best way is the old way. People may also not understand the research, how to use the research for change. Research could possibly be unavailable via search engines or inadequate resources. Also it maybe unobtainable because insufficient computer skills, or due lack of research in certain areas.(book L may)
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5 Ritualistic action can be defined as carrying out a task without thinking it through in a problem-solving logical way, therefore ritualistic practice could be interpreted as carrying out a care/practice without thinking it through in a problem-solving logical way. Ritual practice has been described as irrational unscientific, unsafe, repetitive and repetitive (Philipin 2002, Geffrey 1997, Biley 1997). However the discussion of ritualistic care brings areas in to light, which needs additional valid up to date research.

Views regarding ritualised practice are usually negative as in Wash and Ford (1989) classic text in which they called for ...

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