Nursing Practice Problem and PICOT Question: What effect does health promotion on mental wellbeing have on nurse use of psychiatric service treatment?

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Quantitative and Quantitative Studies

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Quantitative and Quantitative Studies

Nursing Practice Problem and PICOT Question

PICOT Question: What effect does health promotion on mental wellbeing have on nurse use of psychiatric service treatment?

Population of choice: Nursing staff at the Oklahoma City Hospital

Intervention: Promotion of mental wellbeing

Control or Comparison group: Nurses that lack awareness on mental heath

Objective or Outcome: Advancement of mental wellbeing resources

Time: sensitization duration will run from the 26th of April to 19th May, 2021.


The quantitative study by Tsaras et al. (2018) observed how nursing falls under the category of the most difficult and mentally exhausting careers. It is well accepted that most nurses struggle from stress and anxiety as a result of their jobs. Tsaras et al. (2018) conducted research to identify predictors of medical disorders risk by evaluating the prevalence and associated facets of anxiety and depression of care workers working in public psychiatric facilities. In terms of nursing relevance, identifying main variables that predict depression and anxiety in nurses' psychiatric facilities can help provide a better understanding of their mental well-being processes. It will also be beneficial in determining a subjective method for assessing, examining, forecasting, and creating optimum psychiatric health contexts caregivers and patients. As a consequence, the researchers' aim was to highlight the problem's importance in the current setting. The study question derived from this was: what is the prevalence of mental illness among psychiatric health caregivers operating in public mental institutions, and what factors bring about this?

Another quantitative study by Vasconcelos et al. (2016) investigated how the personal welfare of clinical staff participants affects the delivery of healthcare activities and their outcomes. Given the fact that there is a connection between job-related illnesses and the introduction of certain nursing practices, which leads to a rise in workplace stress and a reduction in staff morale and personal satisfaction, the workplace and job processes should be reviewed on a regular basis. The study's aim was to identify work-based factors that have a detrimental influence on nursing personnel's health emotion-wise, with the goal of discovering causes linked to workers' job activities methods that impact these practitioners’ psychological well-being. They came up with the following research issue as a result: What facets of the work activities for nursing employees have an undesirable effect on the personal wellbeing of these staff?

As for the qualitative analysis we have Tajvar et al. (2015) who used the study question: what is the prevalence of stress in the workplace among nurses working in the ICU of Shahid Mohammadi Hospital? to investigate how many caregivers have observed that they are subjected to elevated amounts of stress at work. As a result of stressful workplaces and operations, stress has an effect on nursing behavior in hospital units. The study’s aim was to determine how widespread mental issues and job stress are among Shahid Mohammadi Hospital ICU caregivers, as well as the connection between occupational stress and mental well-being. Occupational stress was found to be quite common among ICU workers, which has implications for nursing. Future strategies to collate a robust wellness program in this sector to reduce organizational stress and enhance psychological wellbeing of caregivers are required.

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Also, Bak et al. (2020) did a qualitative study and noted that developing legislation to support nursing students' well-being is a high priority for healthcare institutions and policymakers around the globe. With the research issue: what are the nurses' opinions on causes of mental health issues and treatments that may benefit people with mental illness? the research aimed to determine nursing students’ perspectives on aspects that impact wellbeing-related practices and initiatives for improving psychiatric wellbeing (Bak et al., 2020). In terms of nursing importance, educational and environmental programs are required to support the health of student caregivers.

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