The aim throughout this assignment is to critically analyse, explore and evaluate an element of study that I have used throughout my learning

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The aim throughout this assignment is to critically analyse, explore and evaluate an element of study that I have used throughout my learning and reflect on how this can significantly contribute towards any future studies. As learning is a continuous process and we can never really say that our learning is complete, it is important to continually develop our learning skills both personally and professionally ().

I have chosen to discuss reflection and how it has had a big impact on both my academic skills at university and also within my workplace. I am going to use the Gibbs (1998) reflective model in this assignment to help me reflect on an element of previous study and how I can incorporate it in to the future.

Reflection can be described as an examination of personal thoughts and actions and is an opportunity to recapture an experience, think about it, mull over it and evaluate it. It offers the ability to learn from past or present experiences that you think maybe of importance. This may include reflecting on a particular event or examining what you are thinking at the time. It is a learning tool in which you are able to recognise different ways of viewing a situation and offer possible solutions. It offers the opportunity to focus on how you interact with patients and colleagues and obtain a clear picture of people’s behaviour in various environments.

 “Reflection involves systematic, critical and creative thinking about action with the intention of understanding its roots and processes and thus being in a position to refine, improve or change future actions” (Fish and Twinn 1997 p52)

We use reflection on a professional or personal basis as it forms part of your daily process. In our lives we are constantly reflecting on what if? Why did that happen and what could have been done differently? Reflection has formed a massive part of my academic studies and also my job role, as minute by minute and hour by hour, I am constantly reassessing the situation I am in and how can it be improved. It helps us to challenge various different types of concepts and theories and as a result we don’t see more, we see differently.

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I have always been a thinker but throughout my time at university I have undertaken course work, exams and problem based scenarios which have greatly sharpened my critical thinking and reflection skills. Instead of focusing on proposed meanings or biographical backgrounds, using this skill has helped me to develop and to continuously ask “why, how, who, what and when” on many different levels.

According to Boud et al (1985) reflection is used on various daily activities such as discussions, professional practice and thoughts, as it prompts the individual to think about what has happened, the feelings that occurred ...

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