Systems Analysis

Data Analysis

Why analyse data?

A basic form of database is a flat file of data. The file is made up of a series of records and each record has a series of fields in it.

Top of File

First Record

Last Record

Bottom of file

Records may be fixed length (padded with spaces) or variable length (e.g. comma delimited).

As we move to more complex applications, the type of data we work with expands. Eventually the flat file or single table becomes unsuitable.

There may be many users that need to get access to the data for view or edit. Having more that one user updating the file at once causes problems.

Different areas of the program may require access to different parts of the data. If the data is organised, smaller amounts need to be open for update. This improves accessibility and therefore performance.

Speed of access reduces with increasing record count and record length.

Often there are a number of similar items on a record e.g. exam results against a pupil on a student record (how many subjects, how many papers, how many slots do you need?).  Organising you data in to different files or tables allows greater flexibility.

Organising your data can be a difficult process, particularly with large systems with hundreds of tables. There are methods of analysis, which help us to avoid these problems.


Each data item should be stored only once to ensure consistency of data. If an item of data is stored in several locations, it may be that not all of them are updated when the data changes. This causes inconsistency.

Redundancy of data

Redundancy is the repetition of the same pieces of data on many records.

An example of this can be seen on a basic order form. The customer’s name and address is often requested. If the customer places orders regularly, the name and address would be entered on each form. If the forms are keyed in to a database, the same address is entered time and time again.

Problems with redundancy: -

  1. Causes excess work for the data entry clerk
  2. Takes up excess space in the data store
  3. Causes problems when updating the data e.g. when the customer moves need to update all of their records.
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Companies often have many different computer applications each with its own data store. Analysing the business and its data across the board results in a data model, which is machine and program independent. Altering the data structure by adding a field should not effect the program.

This independence allows for growth both of the type of data included and the range applications that can be used on it.


Programs, once written, seldom remain the same. They are always being upgrade to include more functionality. If the data structure is correct, it is easier ...

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