Crime and Punishment in the American South - Compare Tom Robinson's Punishment with that of Boo Radley.

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Crime and Punishment in the American South:

Compare Tom Robinson’s Punishment with that of Boo Radley.

In the era in which “To Kill a Mocking Bird” was set (1933-35) there was great prejudice in the American South. According to the Chambers dictionary “prejudice” is: “an opinion formed without careful thought: an unreasonable or unfair feeling (in favour of or against, something): injury, harm (e.g. to the prejudice of his own interests). To bias the mind of: to damage, spoil (e.g. This rash act prejudiced his chances of success)”. In “To Kill a Mockingbird” the main prejudice is against black people but is also evident in white society with regard to status in the community.

        Tom Robinson was a black man accused of the rape of a white women – Mayella Ewell. The Ewell’s were known as “White Trash”(a prime example of prejudice in white society). The children of the family were unruly and uneducated as they did not attend school and Mr Ewell was an unemployed citizen of Maycomb who let his eldest children look after the family. Mayella, the daughter of Mr Ewell, was in desperate need of some attention. Tom Robinson often did small jobs to help Mayella and her family. Tom was very considerate and did not mind helping others. Mayella lacked love and affection, which later on led her to ask Tom Robinson to kiss her, although Tom was a married man and a father of three.

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        Tom Robinson was punished for a crime that he did not commit. Tom was only convicted because he was a black man in a white society at the time when it seemed socially correct to discriminate against the black people. Although Tom Robinson was innocent of raping Mayella he was found guilty because it was the word of a white man against the word of a black man. Tom was a scapegoat. Atticus, his lawyer, supported Tom because he felt it was his duty, even though he knew that Tom would be found guilty, as Tom had been pre-judged, ...

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