Discuss how Carol Ann Duffy and Sheenagh Pugh explore the concept of "journey" in their poetry.

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By James Day

Discuss how Duffy and Pugh explore the concept of ‘journey’.

        The concept of ‘journey’ is one which pervades much of both Carol Ann Duffy’s and Sheenagh Pugh’s poetry, in literal and allegorical terms. Various devices and imagery are used in order to convey this concept, having varying effects on the reader, which will be analysed in the subsequent paragraphs.

        The theme of travelling is present in ‘Originally’ by Duffy, in which physical translocation (specifically emigration) is depicted through such nouns as “country,” “emigration,” and “accent,” and such verbs as “rushed back,” “fell through,” and “leaving you standing.” The latter phrase features two present continuous verbs, suggesting a sense of progression which contradicts the actual meaning of the verb ‘standing’, which functions as an adjective, communicating a lack of movement. This dichotomy reflects Duffy’s own unease regarding her own relocation during her childhood, in which she moved from Glasgow, Scotland to Stafford, England when she was six years old. This had a profound effect on her poetry, with references to travel palpable not only in the current poem but also in others like ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ (“You ran through the gates, impatient to be grown”), ‘Who Loves You’ (“travelling in those mystical machines”,) ‘River’ (“At the turn of the river the language changes”), ‘The Way My Mother Speaks’ (The train this slow evening / goes down England”), and ‘In Your Mind’ (“The other country”).

Moreover, enjambment is utilised throughout the poem; for example,

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“Do I only / think / I lost a river, culture, speech” in order to visually represent flow, reflecting the physical sense of movement in a journey. However, use of enjambment (often followed by caesura) also interrupts the meaning of the lines since the words are not contained on one line therefore their meanings are spread across multiple lines, forming another dichotomy like the aforementioned one. These two dualities convey to the reader that there are two sides to every journey: the positivity and optimism of a new journey, and the negativity and regret of leaving one’s past behind. The ...

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