The level of economic development influences the quality of life Discuss

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“The level of economic development influences the quality of life” DiscussEconomic development is the increase in ones standards of living within the country’s population with sustained growth from a simple, low income economy to a complete opposite, high-income economy.Quality of life is very difficult to define because individuals have different perceptions but it’s the social and psychological condition of people arising from their everyday life. So in other words is someone who is wealthy and has everything they
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need happy?If a person’s quality of life is improved for example if they went from having no water or no shelter over their heads to having clean drinking water and a roof over their head, you would expect them to be a lot happier with their lives. People can still be unhappy with their lives even if they have everything they want, so this will lower the quality of life in that area.Bangladesh, Low-income group, Third World---China, Second World, lower-middle income group---Japan, First World, High-income. All these countries are from the continent Asia.GNI in Bangladesh is $1980 pc (180th in ...

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