Geography Coursework How Does Farming Change Between Bredon Hill and Birlingham?

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Transect Lines

        We have transect line as a representation or section of a whole area. Our Line will go from the top Bredon Hill to Birlingham church, Instead of looking at all the fields.

The Methods of Data Collection are:

Gradient Test

        The Gradient test will tell us how steep the hill side is or is not. The only equipment you need for this test is two cling ’o’ meters one for each person that is doing the test.

To do this test stand 10m’s apart look through the viewfinder at the other persons nose or eye and read the angle shown in the view finder.

The good points about this test are that it is:

  • quick
  • easy and accurate

            The problems with this test are:

  • Have to have 2 people in order to do it
  • You have to stand on the steepest part of the slope
  • The people doing the test have to be virtually the same height.

Another way to do this test is to use an OS map.

Two Pershore High students doing this test.  

A cling o meter

Infiltration Test

        This test will tell you how fast the water is absorbed into the ground. The list of equipment you need is as follows:

  • Old Tin Can
  • 100ml of water
  • Stopwatch
  • Measuring Jug

To do this test firstly but the tin can firmly into the ground making sure there is no gaps that the water can quickly escape from. Then pour the 100ml of water into the can and at the same moment the water the ground start the stopwatch, wait until all the water has soaked into the ground and stop the stopwatch. Record the time in seconds.

The strengths of this test are:

  • Easy to do
  • Simple equipment
  • Helps the farmers know when to irrigate (water the fields)
  • Only takes one person

The problems of this test is that:

  • You have to make sure the can is in the ground properly so the water doesn’t escape and therefore wasting water.

Pupil with the equipment

  1. Water
  2. Tin can
  3. Stopwatch

Soil Auger Test

This test will tell us how deep the soil is in a section of the ground. The list of equipment needed is:

  • Soil Auger
  • Soil to Auger
  • Meter Stick

To do this test start to screw the auger into the ground in a clockwise direction. Keep screwing until you can’t go any further or the auger feels like it has reached the rock under the soil. Take the meter stick and measure how far up the soil is on the auger take the reading in cm’s.

        The strength of this test are:

  • Only takes one person

The problems with this test are:

  • That you might hit a stone before you have reached as far as possible
  • Someone stronger could go further down than you.

Mr Norster doing this test.

                  An auger,              meter stick and hole made by the auger.



PH test

The test will show the acidity of the soil at a particular area.

List of equipment needed for his test is:

  • Beaker
  • Soil
  • Spatula
  • PH meter

To do this test take a beaker of distilled water add soil and stir with the spatula. After the water has settled put the PH meter in the beaker and wait for the reading to settle then record the reading.

        The strength of his test are:

  • Very accurate

The problem with this test is that:

  • The battery might go on the PH meter.

Another way of doing this test is to take a sample to a lab and do it in there.

A Pershore High School student taking the reading of the acid in the soil taken from Bredon             Hill.

The Texture Test

This test tells you the texture of the soil (silty, sandy and/or clayey)

Equipment needed during this test:

  • Flow Chart
  • Soil Sample

Take a sample of soil in your hand and follow the flow chart on the sheet.

The benefits of this test:

  • 1 person needed
  • No equipment
  • Easy to do/follow

The down side to the test:

  • Not accurate

The other way of doing this test is taking a sample putting it in a jar of water shaking it and then wait for it to settle. Then you can see the different levels of the soil.

Land-use survey data recording sheet – Bredon Hill to Birlingham

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My aim is to find out why farming changes between Bredon Hill and Birlingham. The order of my workings is:

  • Identify my aim’s
  • Choose my hypothesis or a key question I want to test
  • Do some research into the area + topic + write up my introduction
  • Find out what methods I can use to collect the data I need to answer my hypothesis. Explain what equipment is needed. Also how and why I need to use these pieces of equipment and methods (justify them) ...

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