P3 explain factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care environments. P4 explain strategies in health and social care environment to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal intera

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P3 explain factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care environments.

P4 explain strategies in health and social care environment to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.

There are lots of factors that could influence the communication barrier. I will be talking about some barriers that influence communication and the strategies that could be used to overcome them.


Our surroundings can influence the way that we communicate for example a service provider is being interviewed for a job he or she can find it hard to concentrate in the environment that they are in like if there are pictures on the wall of the office where they are being interviewed it can affect the way that they communicated because the person being interviewed might get distracted by the pictures or the very nice view from the window. Also the temperature of the environment can affect the way that we communicate because if the room is cold the person being interview will only make a brief comment on a question asked this also applies to a service user in addition the background sounds can affect the way that we communicate, if there is music play the service user or the person being interview might sing along instead of listening to what is being said.


There are different ways to overcome the barrier in communication when in an environment that could distract you. For example when giving and interview that room in which the interview will held should not contain anything that could distract the person being interviewed and  the temperature of the room should be fairly warm not too cold or hot. When talking to a resident or a service user they should be taken into a room where they is nothing to distract them however sometime s the environment that we are in can have an effective way of communication for example when a staff is in a service users room and does not know what to talk about they could start by asking a question about some of the picture in the service users room. Things that we can see in our surroundings can help the service users start a conversation with the service providers.


The lighting in a room can affect the way that we communicate. When the light in the room is too bright it will be hard to see the service users or the service providers’ face and facial expression to interpret what they are saying. When the light in a room is too bright when you are talking to a resident or a service users it may make them feel uncomfortable and like they are being interrogated so they will not be able to communicate effectively. However the will be a lost or a misunderstood communication between a service user and a service provider if the lighting is too dim because it sets a romantic seen. This will be a negative way of communicating.


A way to overcome the lighting barrier of communication will be to be in a room where the lighting is not too bright or too dim because. If the communication should be effectively communicated the lighting in the room where the conversation is taking place should not be too bright or too dim. light can also be an important factor of good and effective communication, for example if talking to a resident or a servicer user in the dark it may make them feel threaten and scared which will make it hard for them to communicate effectively but if talking to them in a room or a place with light there will be an effective communication. If the resident cannot see properly their light needs to be bright for them to be able to see properly and clearly.

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Hearing problems can have a negative influence on communication both in a care and in a community. If someone in a care home has a hearing problem in may be hard for them to start conversations with people around them or that they may not hear the conversation that going on around them. This could make the service user or resident scared to start conversations because they can’t hear their own voices and they lack confidence because they might talk too loud or too low for someone to hear them. Even though the resident or service user ...

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This report meets the aims stated at the beginning. It discusses the barriers to effective communication and how they can be overcome, it links in well to the work related context chosen and the writer demonstrates a clear understanding of how communication can be adapted to suit the service users needs. Weaknesses of this report are that only one reference is evident and there are quite a lot of grammatical errors. There is also a great deal of repetition throughout. ***