British Sit coms, although superficially similar to American ones, have some quite fundamental differences which are a result of a very different IDEOLOGICAL approach.

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British Sit coms, although superficially similar to American ones, have some quite fundamental differences which are a result of a very different IDEOLOGICAL approach.American Sitcoms -like many Hollywood movies - are all about reassurance; they tell the audience that despite little local difficulties, everything will turn out all right in the end, that individuals can take control of their own life, that the Constitutional promise of Happiness is still valid. They are about a denial of the possibility of failure : everyone can, if they try hard enough, achieve health, wealth and happiness - and it is their right to do so.The majority of British Sit Coms are based on a view of the world which is
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diametrically opposed to the American one. They are based on the ABSURDIST premiss that life is about getting by as best you can; that nothing very much makes any sense; that try as hard as you might, you’ll never actually get anywhere; that if there is a God he (or she) is actually , if not malevolent, at least indifferent to man’s fate ;that dreams rarely come true, but nightmares usually do, and that most peculiarly British fear of all -the fear of being embarrassing - which is of course a function of the British CLASS SYSTEM.This is, of course, ...

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