Was James 1st to blame for all the financial problems?

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Was James to blame for all the financial problems?

It is obvious that under James’ reign over England there were a lot of financial problems. There were many factors that caused these problems, and I am going to investigate just how many of them were James’ fault. Someone once said “A King should be able to live on hi own”, this was the idea that a King should not need money from parliament to survive. This was not true for James though.

One main factor that caused financial problems in England was the debt bequeathed to James from Elizabeth’s rule. This debt had grown from the war with Spain and the suppression of the Irish. Elizabeth needed money to support these campaigns and thus had sold half the Crown lands.  The Crown lands brought in an income for the King/Queen and therefore when Elizabeth sold half the Crown lands it meant James was starting off on a bad foot, with a debt left to him, to overcome. When James inherited the Crown lands they were only producing £128,00 annually, which was significantly less than required to pay for the cost of government, defence administration and the royal household. This caused a financial problem for England, however one which was not James’ fault.

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On the other hand James was a very spendthrift King. He loved spending money to be popular and was a large spender when it came to the Royal Wardrobe. He had many “favourites”, who were supposedly his boyfriends and he spent a lot of money on them. Over the years James’ expenditure on his wardrobe increased fourfold. This was a significant amount, one that was not necessary, especially with his              ever-mounting debt. In 1610 he admitted to parliament that he could not manage finances. This was quite like stating the obvious however due ...

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