Why Was the Provisional Government Unable To hold onto power in 1917?

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The Provisional Government lead Russia from March to October 1917.    It was made up of former members of the Duma, which has been in existence when the Tsar, who had abdicated on 2nd March 1917,  was in power.  It was made up of the middle classes, which were only a small part of the total population as the peasant class made up 85% of the people and it was out of touch with the needs of the peasants. As it had no grasp of the people’s needs, the Provisional Government refused to give land to poor people in the rural parts, which enforced the feeling that it was completely out of touch. This angered the peasants as they needed land to survive The Duma had wanted a western style of government but in fact it had no power and acted as advisers

On March 2nd Alexander Kerensky, a leading member of the Soviets, who had a foot in both the Soviet and Provisional camps, joined the Provisional Government as Minister of Justice. On May 5th he became Minister of War and then in July he became the Prime Minister.

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In March 1917 Lenin returned from exile in Switzerland, via Germany, which Russia was a war with.  Germany gave Lenin safe passage to Russia because it knew he would cause trouble for the Provisional Government, which of course he did.  On his return Lenin denounced the Soviet support for the Provisional Government,

On April 18th Miliukov, the Foreign Minister promised the Allies that Russia would continue to fight in the was against Germany, a stupid decision as the Russian people, who had initially loved going to war, now hated it as it was causing major problems.  Russia was failing ...

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