Mr Sapsford                Andy Bonner

Evaluation of Chosen Activity

Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses

My Evaluation will identify the strengths and weaknesses of my performance at table tennis of my forehand spin, but I will focus on my strengths before focussing on faults and weaknesses of my shot.

My action plan for table tennis will work on making the strengths of my shot increase rather than improving the weaknesses.

I will observe and evaluate my performance by recording myself playing against an opponent. I will comment on my skills/techniques, strategies/tactics and my fitness.

I have set myself the task of trying to improving my forehand top spin.

The Aspects of this performance is good posture, which is explained in the strategies/tactics part of the coursework, shown below.


What is Skill? Skill can be referred to specific tasks or acts which we perform or a series of movements that have a clear objective.

To properly look at my ‘skill’ at table tennis I will have to break up the characteristics of skill and put myself into every category.

Characteristics of skill  

My skill is a motor skill, which is a skill that involves movement and muscular control.

Below I have broken down my skill into subsections, first explaining what each sub section means and then comparing it to my forehand top spin shot.

Efficient – the skill is well co-ordinated and appears effortless. The unskilled performer will appear much slower and clumsier and will also tire much more quickly.

Fluent – the skill is well co-ordinated, well times and precise. The performer is in control of the movement. The movements of the unskilled performer will appear jerky and uncontrolled.

Aesthetic – the skill is pleasing to the eye; the performer looks very competent. The unskilled performer will look clumsy, uncoordinated and awkward.

Learned – the skill has had to be practised over a period of time. Learning means that it is more or less a permanent change in behaviour indication that the skill can be performed consistently, time after time. The unskilled performer may occasionally perform the skill successfully die more to luck than practise or learning.

Goal directed – the skill will be aimed at achieving a set result. Prior to performing the skill, the end result will be clearly identified and understood by the performer. The unskilled performer may not appreciate what they are attempting to achieve or why.

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Follows a technical model – we usually judge how good/skilful a performance is by comparing it to model of how the perfect skill should be performed.

My Characteristics of skill

Efficient – from studying the video of me playing it shows that I am extremely efficient as my forehand and backhand shots were well co-ordinated, as and appeared effortless and natural because they were very consistent.

Fluent – from studying the video of me playing it shows that I am fluent in my game. I know this because watching me play, shows ...

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