"Actions needed to address Australia's health priorities"
Student: Phillip butcher Teacher: Mr Kovacs Year 12 PDHPE Assessment #2 part 1 "Actions needed to address Australia's health priorities" The overall aim of the CVD health promotion strategy within australia was to extend and improve health promotion practice amongst participating organisations. And it was achieved through the collaboration around health promotion training and planning, and the complementary strategies addressing Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) were developed across all seven states. [Preventing cardiovascular disease A number of important CVD risk factors have been identified. These include Socio environmental risk factors (such as poor material circumstances) (Raphael 2003), psychosocial risk factors (such as depression and lack of social support) (Bunker et al. 2003), behavioural risk factors (such as smoking, physical inactivity and dietary fat intake) (AIHW 2001) and physiological risk factors (such as high cholesterol, hypertension and obesity)(AIHW 2001). A recent evidence based review by the Joint World Health Organisation/Food and Agriculture Organisation Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease concluded that dietary risk factors for CVD include a high intake of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, sodium, and alcohol (in excess). Protective dietary components include fish and fish oils, potassium,
"Discuss the differences between skill, ability and technique and explain how you would structure practices to enhance these components of fitness"
Question- "Discuss the differences between skill, ability and technique and explain how you would structure practices to enhance these components of fitness" As I have found there are many different definitions and explanations of these 3 terms. Here are a few I have found. SKILL- The ability to select the correct technique on demand. The performance of a function when under pressure from another player. The perfecting of a foot-balling function whether with or without an opponent. The application of correct technique on demand. Organised co-ordinated activity in relation to an object or situation, which involves a chain of sensory, central and motor mechanisms. The learned ability to bring about pre-determined results with maximum certainty, often with the minimum outlay of time or energy or both (Knapp, 1963) TECHNIQUE- How a single performance is performed The method of performance The correct performance of a foot-balling technique A single performance ABILITY- Building block of skills. These are described as people being born with them or developed from a young sporting age (just starting to learn about sport). These include hand/eye co-ordination, flexibility and speed. I can see that to have very good skill you need to be born with or gain at a young age, certain talents. So the basis of sport is built on ability- the basis of a sporting skill. The
"Discuss the role of feedback in teaching and learning of physical skills".
Essay Example "Discuss the role of feedback in teaching and learning of physical skills" This document for guidance only - please note relevant rules on plagiarism ref: Claire Haycock (2001) Feedback is used as a guiding tool and is central for good and successful coaching and learning. In order for the learner to learn new skills, there needs to be constant observations of their actions. Feedback is information from the environment which informs the athlete about their performance during and following the movement. Feedback is critical to a successful form of learning. For feedback information to be of any value it should be compared against a model, therefore it is easy to detect and rectify any errors. The models must meet all the relevant criteria and at the same time be flexible to allow for individual variations. A model for a beginner will differ from a model for an expert. It is important that the learner plays apart in their learning and is aware of the model which they are working against as this could stimulate motivation. Feedback provides information about performance. It acts as a motivator especially for learners. I was learning to play hockey and I felt I just couldn't do it. When I hit the ball, it went in the wrong direction. My teacher informed me that my stance was incorrect and so was the positioning of my hands on the stick. Once my errors were
Training Method Examples For Six Components Of Fitness In Football
Training Method Examples For Six Components Of Fitness In Football Muscular Strength The best way to train Muscular Strength would be to do a few sessions of weight training. Weight training can be done in a variety of ways. One way of doing weight training would be to find the maximum weight you can lift. This can be done by increasing the amount you lift up until you are unable to lift a weight. Once you have found the maximum weight you can lift, you should then attempt to lift this weight a numerous amount of times. This is more likely to help biceps, triceps, pectorals and the entire leg. Advantage of weight training: Quick and resourceful way of increasing your core muscular strength which can be done in a gym environment or at home. Disadvantage of weight training: Can become very repetitive and can become hard to find interesting. Body Composition The best method to gain good body composition is to do a regular circuit training session. As good body composition is related to good overall body health it is important to train muscles all over the body. Therefore being the best to train all over is to do circuit training. Circuit training will have different stations where there will be a different body part to work on at each. The circuit may always have the same amount of stations each session. But to be able to improve you must vary how long you spend at each
I have chosen to base my PEP on is hockey. Within in hockey there are certain components of fitness that are needed to ensure that the athlete is performing to the best of their ability.
Contents Hockey CV Planning and researching the PEP Aims and Hypothesis Warm Up Cool Down The cardiovascular system Muscles Diet Energy systems Principles of training Training methods Fitness testing Outline of training sessions Training programme Results and graphs Evaluation Hockey C.V Hertfordshire county hockey squad U9s - U11s (captain at U11 for 2 years) Avon county hockey squad U13s - U17s (captain at U15s and U17s) West of England hockey squad U15s - U17s. England Hockey trials for U16s and U18s. Planning and researching I have chosen to base my PEP on is hockey. Within in hockey there are certain components of fitness that are needed to ensure that the athlete is performing to the best of their ability. The different components of fitness are: Strength - the extent to which muscles can exert force by contracting against resistance (e.g. holding or restraining an object or person) Power - the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements. The two components of power are strength and speed. (e.g. jumping or a sprint start) Agility - the ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions (e.g. ZigZag running or cutting movements) Balance - the ability to control the body's position, either stationary (e.g. a handstand) or while moving (e.g. a
Describe "Fitt's and Posner's" phases of learning and explain how you would structure practices to enhance performance.
Describe "Fitt's and Posner's" phases of learning and explain how you would structure practices to enhance performance. The Fitt's and Posner's stages of learning are a series of practices and learning exercises that will help people to learn specific skills by viewing others doing so. 'Learning is a more or less permanent change in performance brought about by experience' - Knapp 1973 Practice is the rehearsal of a performance in order to learn or improve a skill. The two above definitions of learning and practice show that they are both linked. You cant learn without practice, and if you practice, you will learn. If you practice an exercise correctly, your performance should reflect this, but jumping from learning a skill, to being able to perform it expertly every time, is impossible, and this is where Fitt's and Posner's phases learning come in to play. The Fitt's and Posner's phases of learning are split into 3 different stages, the cognitive, associative and autonomous stages. The three stages must follow each-other in sequence, so a stage must be learnt before moving onto the next one. It is possible to move up and down a stage, for example, if someone moves from the cognitive stage to the associative stage, but still cant quite perform the required skill, then they have obviously not perfectly learnt the cognitive stage, and must attempt to learn it again.
Unit 2: Skill Acquisition Task 1- Discuss the differences between skill, ability and technique and explain how you would structure the practises to enhance these components of fitness
Unit 2: Skill Acquisition Task 1- Discuss the differences between skill, ability and technique and explain how you would structure the practises to enhance these components of fitness. The following essay will give an analysis of the differences between skill, ability, and technique. When performing a particular skill in sport, you need the necessary abilities. By using various media and my own knowledge, this will help me to structure practises to enhance these components of fitness. It is essential that we understand the different types of skill, the contrast between skill and ability, and how these link with technique. In sport, skill is more a concept than a word. We talk in terms of skills existing within a sport (for example a tennis serve) or in terms of a sport itself being a skill. In sport, a skill is seen as a co-ordinated act, involving complex movements brought together in a consistent and smooth manner. Skill is defined as 'an organised co-ordinated activity in relation to an object or situation which involves a whole chain of sensory, central and motor mechanisms,' (Wellford A.T & Traviss, A., Fundamentals of Skills,1968). Skill is an athlete's ability to choose and perform the right technique at the right time, successfully, regularly and with minimum effort. Athletes use their skills to achieve objectives. For example, running 10 seconds in a
Synoptic essays for swimming.
Introduction Name: Jenna Waite Age: 15 Height: 155cm Weight: 52Kg Gender: Female Jenna has always had a liking for sport since a very young age, most of which has been inspired by her brother who was a very enthusiastic sportsman. Her main sport which she participates in is swimming and her main focus is the sprint events to which she competes at county and national level. Jenna is a member of the ASA and IOS. She swims for Basingstoke Bluefins who are an individual swimming club. Jenna tries to train 6 times a week in the pool but due to other working commitments this does not always happen. Sessions can last between an hour to 2 1/2 hours. The training is also aided by spending time in the gym, 4 times a week, for approximately an hour per session where she tries to focus on Cardio Vascular endurance. Competitions vary depending on the type of entry and the number of swimmers required. During the pool training sessions we tend to focus on both CV endurance to build up our stamina and muscular endurance to improve our physique. The swimmers do this by swimming sets of a particular distance set out at the beginning of the session. This is normally based around a particular timing using the pace clock to time each set which is swum. For example, 10 sets of 75m in a particular time with 10 second rest in between each set. These sets are used to build up sprint ability.
Performance Management
Performance Management The performance management process provides an opportunity for the employees and managers to discuss goals and develop plans for achieving those goals. Therefore, communication involve between managers and employees that they have to identify job roles and functions related to the company objectives. They get together to devise some performance appraisals to enhance the company overall performance. The performance manager responsible for supervising workforce and the group educates and develops employees' potential in order to improve workforce performance. Moreover, rewards is directly Employees performance. The following graph is the performance management process. Essential Managing Performance to the Group Explain how managing performance is a critical element in the success of a business. Employees need to understand their roles clearly An effective Performance Management system is based on these concepts: * Employees need to understand their roles clearly * Performance may be managed * There is a direct relationship between performance and rewards * Employee involvement is critical to performance development * Performance expectations must be set in advance and there must be agreement * Performance management requires on-going coaching, feedback and planning * Performance management can be a positive experience * Facilitate a
"The possible effects of caffeine supplementation on health and exercise performance capacity".
Sports Nutrition "The possible effects of caffeine supplementation on health and exercise performance capacity" Coaches have always looked at ways to improve performance capacity such as new training techniques. However, the increasing demands of sport and the decreasing distance between winning and losing has led to them looking at ways to get that extra competitive advantage over their competitors. Coaches aided by scientists have looked at the use of supplements that effect energy utilisation and these methods are termed ergogenic aids. Mottram (1996, pg xvi) defined an ergogenic aids as 'agents, which are used in an attempt to increase the capacity to work'. Caffeine is one of these said ergogenic aids and can be further defined as a pharmacological ergogenic aid. The associated benefits of caffeine have been the subject of a number of scientific investigations however the information provided has proven to be unclear and often contradictory. Therefore the true ergogenic effects of caffeine on exercise and performance are unknown. Caffeine: What is it? Caffeine is regarded as a psychoactive drug and has been used as a stimulant since the Stone Age (Mottram, 1996). It is a natural substance that is found in coca beans, coffee beans and tealeaves and is the most casually and widely used drug throughout the world. The evidence that suggests associated ergogenic effects